PHP pull from two MySQL tables, where multiple rows in table two

Kenneth J

I have two tables that looks like this:

report table

picture table

Put it in images since i dont know how to draw a table here.

My problem is that i can't seem to make a query or anything in my php that will allow me to load the report and the 5 images, so that i can display the images where i want to on the page. As i do it now it loads the report five times and one image in each report.

The edited code after @Terminus suggestions

  $sql = "
  FROM fangstrapporter AS f, rapportbilleder AS r
  WHERE".htmlspecialchars($_GET["id"])." AND";

  $result = $conn->query($sql);
  if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
    echo "<b>Overskrift:</b> " . $row["overskrift"] . "<br><br>" . 
    "<b>Sted:</b> " . $row["sted"] . "<br><br>" . 
    "<b>Fangstdato:</b> " . $row["fangstdato"] . "<br><br>" . 
    "<b>Agn:</b> " . $row["agn"] . "<br><br>" . 
    "<b>Kategori:</b> " . $row["kategori"] . "<br><br>" . 
    "<b>Art:</b> " . $row["art"] . "<br><br>" . 
    "<b>Vægt:</b> " . $row["vaegt"] . "<br><br>" . 
    "<b>Længde:</b> " . $row["laengde"] . "<br><br>";

    do {  
      echo "<a href='" . $row["image_path"] . "'><img src='" . $row["image_thumb_path"] . "'></a><br><br>";
    } while($row = $result->fetch_assoc());

    echo $row["beskrivelse"]."<br>";
  } else {
    echo "0 results";

Can anyone help me do this? I have been searching on google for four days now, without any success.


Do as @Kenney suggested and remove the part where you echo the report from the loop.

$sql = "
  FROM fangstrapporter AS f, rapportbilleder AS r
  WHERE".htmlspecialchars($_GET["id"])." AND";

  $result = $conn->query($sql);
  if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
    $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
    echo "<b>Overskrift:</b> " . $row["overskrift"] . "<br><br>" . 
    "<b>Sted:</b> " . $row["sted"] . "<br><br>" . 
    "<b>Fangstdato:</b> " . $row["fangstdato"] . "<br><br>" . 
    "<b>Agn:</b> " . $row["agn"] . "<br><br>" . 
    "<b>Kategori:</b> " . $row["kategori"] . "<br><br>" . 
    "<b>Art:</b> " . $row["art"] . "<br><br>" . 
    "<b>Vægt:</b> " . $row["vaegt"] . "<br><br>" . 
    "<b>Længde:</b> " . $row["laengde"] . "<br><br>";
     $beskrivelse = $row["beskrivelse"];

    do {  
      echo "<a href='" . $row["image_path"] . "'><img src='" . $row["image_thumb_path"] . "'></a><br><br>";
    } while($row = $result->fetch_assoc());

    echo $beskrivelse . "<br>";
  } else {
    echo "0 results";

Collected from the Internet

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