PHP mysql how to join two tables to link name from one table and post from other table


So I am very bad at this anyway right now I have this code

$test = "SELECT `status`,`pubdate` FROM `status` ORDER BY `pubdate` DESC";
$stmt = $db->prepare($test);
while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
    echo "<section class='statusar'>"."<article>";
    echo $row['status'];
    echo $row['pubdate'];
    echo "</article></section>";

and it shows the post but now I want to take users first name from another table and display it with the post. How do I do it?

The two tables I have look like this

This is the table with the post

Status_id  int          unsigned       auto_increment  primary
user_id    int          unsigned index
status     varchar(600)
pubdate    datetime

This is the other table

user_id   int         unsigned auto_increment primary index
firstname varchar(30)
surname   varchar(30)
username  varchar(30) unique
password  varchar(90)

I have done so they have a relation between the user_ids


I think I figured it out because now it works :D So now when I use

SELECT status, pubdate,firstname,surname FROM status INNER JOIN user ON status.user_id = user.user_id ORDER BY status.pubdate DESC

It displays all the things I want and I also tried

SELECT * FROM status INNER JOIN user ON status.user_id = user.user_id ORDER BY status.pubdate DESC";

Which also works thanks for the help guys :D


Just use an inner join:

SELECT s.status, s.pubdate, u.firstname
FROM status s
    INNER JOIN usertable u ON s.user_id = u.user_id
ORDER BY s.pubdate DESC

This assumes the user_id exists in the usertable. If that might not be the case, you'd want to use an outer join instead.

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