python script output won't be directed to file

Zeinab Abbasimazar

I have a python script. It has a SimpleLogger with sys.stdout as output_stream.

logger = SimpleLogger(level=LogLevel.DEBUG)

When I run it in console, I get the logs properly, but whenever I redirect the output to a file, nothing is found in the target.

I tried multiple ways:

  1. python > /tmp/x.log 2>&1
  2. python > /tmp/x.log

In both cases, the /tmp/x.log is empty.

I also tried nohup python, but nothing has been written in nohup.out.


This is probably just due to buffering. You will only see something in the file when enough output has been accumulated. You can try using python -u to ask for unbuffered output, or set environment variable PYTHONUNBUFFERED= to any non-empty string, as documented in the Python command line documentation, or add a .flush() call after each .debug() or similar call.

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