Group and values from table


I have a table:

Col1   Col2
---    ---
Bar    Val1
Bar    Val2
Bar    Val3
Foo    Val4
Foo    Val5
Foo    Val6

I need to write a query that outputs

Col1         Col2
---    ----------------
Bar    Val1, Val2, Val3
Foo    Val4, Val5, Val6

I need to write it as a single query, so couldn't use COALESCE() for concatenating, as it would require using variable and loop.

My other solution was to use recursive CTE. However, I need to concatenate values for both 'Bar' and 'Foo'. I thought of CROSS APPLY but don't know is it possible to achieve this result with using CROSS APPLY and recursive CTE.

Any suggestions?

Mat Richardson
select distinct 
     select STUFF((select ',' + col2 
     from yourtable b 
     where b.col1 = a.col1 for xml path('')),1,1,'')
     ) as Col2
from yourtable a

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