selecting values from a reference table

Jordan Davis

I have a users table and have roles such as admin|manager|employee which are represented in reference table called reference.

user table - id|first_name|last_name|type|status

reference table - id|table|type|key|value

Now the reference table contains integer key that match values so user.type has 0-admin,1-manager,2-employee which looks something like this


My problem is when I have to values in a table which need to access the reference table.


Question: How can I access two reference table values in one statement?


SELECT,a.first_name,a.last_name,b.value as user_type,b.value as user_status
FROM user AS a 
JOIN reference as b 
ON 'user'=b.table AND 'type'=b.type AND a.type = b.value AND a.status = b.value

You can join to the reference table twice (or three times, or four times...). Just give it two different aliases:

SELECT,a.first_name,a.last_name,b.value as user_type,b.value AS user_type, b2.value as user_status
FROM user AS a 
JOIN reference AS b 
ON 'user'=b.table AND 'type'=b.type AND a.type = b.value 
JOIN reference AS b2
ON 'user'=b2.table AND 'status'=b2.type AND a.status = b2.value

Unless I'm mis-interpreting your requirements, I believe the above is what you are seeking.

Collected from the Internet

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