Finding a specific nibble in an integer


How would I go about finding a nibble in an integer using bitwise operations?

I need to extract a given nibble, specifically.

The method looks something like this

private int nibbleExtract(int x, int whichNibbleToGet)

and example on what this method would return

nibbleExtract(0xFF254545, 7); // => 0xF

Sergey Kalinichenko

You can do it by shifting the number by 4 times the nibble index, and masking with 0xF:

int nibbleIndex = 7;
int data = 0xFF254545;
int nibble = (data >> 4*nibbleIndex) & 0xF;

How would you do this without multiplication?

Like this:

int nibble = (data >> (nibbleIndex << 2)) & 0xF;

Modern optimizers will convert 4*x to x << 2 for you, so the two alternatives usually turn out to give you the same performance (while the first one is of course more readable).

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