Finding a Specific Character in SQL Statement


Is there a way I can find a certain character using LIKE keyword?

For example, let's say I have the following values in COL1:


I want to write a SQL statement that only returns values from COL1 where the second character AFTER the decimal is a zero (regardless of what the rest of the number says.)

Lukasz Szozda

Each value goes in this format: "#.##"

Then you could use wildcards % and _:

  • an underscore _ in pattern stands for (matches) any single character;
  • a percent sign % matches any sequence of zero or more characters.


FROM tab 
WHERE col1 LIKE '%._0%';



║ col1 ║
║ 5.50 ║

If values are only numbers (with two places only) you could use simple modulo division:

FROM tab 
WHERE col1 % 0.1 = 0;


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