How do I get the id of a list item?


I have a checkboxlist where each item has an id. When the text of an item is clicked the id("cssId") should be printed out in console.log.


<div id="cssListBox" class="list-group">
            <ul id="listItemCss">
                @foreach (var item in Model.CssTemplates)
                    <li id="itemInList">
                        @Html.CheckBox("ChoiceBox", item.IsConnected)
                        @Html.Hidden("cssId", item.Id, new { @class = "cssId" })



$('#listItemCss>li').click(function() {
        var cid = (this).val();


Please tell me if I can make the question more clear in some way, I am a bit slow so have patience.

$('#listItemCss>li').click(function() {
    var cid = $(this).find('.cssId').val();

Also, don't use the same id for multiple li elements


See Why is it a bad thing to have multiple HTML elements with the same id attribute?

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