How do I get an id from a student in a list and display it the student's information on another page? Ruby on Rails


I am creating a list of students and when I click on one of the hyperlinks, I want to display a table with the student's information I clicked on.

I am working with two pages, index.html.erb and show.html.erb. In the index page, I want to display the list and the show page, I want to display the information for only one student. I am very new to Ruby on Rails, but I want to get better at it. Thank for all your responses.


<h1> Welcome </h1>

   <%= link_to "Display Table", students_show_path %>
   <%= link_to "Form", students_new_path %>

<ol> Students
    <% @student.each do |s| %>
       <!--<li><%= link_to s.FirstName, students_show_path(@student.students_id), method: :post %> </li> -->
       <li><%= link_to s.FirstName, :action => "show", :id => %> </li>
   <% end %>

This is my show.html.erb

Table's Page

<% @student.each do |s| %>
    <td> <%= s.FirstName %> </td>
    <td> <%= s.LastName %> </td>
    <td> <%= s.NickName %> </td>
    <td> <%= s.EmailAddress %> </td>
    <td> <%= s.Birthday %> </td>
    <td> <%= s.MedicalNotes %> </td>
    <td> <%= s.Grade %> </td>
    <td> <%= s.School %> </td>
    <td> <%= s.Gender %> </td>

This is my routes.rb

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  root 'students#index'
  get 'students/index'
  get 'students/show'
  get 'students/new'
  get 'students/update'
  get 'students/create'
  get 'students/edit'
  get 'students/destroy'
  get '/signup', to: 'students#new'
  post '/signup', to: 'students#create'
  post '/index', to: 'students#index'
  # For details on the DSL available within this file, see

resources :students
  # generates:
  #   get "/students" -- index on your controller
  #   get "/students/:id" -- show on your controller
  #   get "/students/new" -- new method on your controller
  #   post "/students" -- create on your controller
  #   get "/students/:id/edit" -- edit method on your controller
  #   put "/students/:id" -- update on your controller
  #   patch "/students/:id" -- update on your controller
  #   delete "/students/:id" -- destroy on your controller

This is my students_controller

class StudentsController < ApplicationController

  def index
    @student = Student.all

  def show
    id = params[:id]
    @student = Student.where("Student id = ?" , "#{id}")

  def new
    @student =

  def update

  def create
    @student =
      redirect_to students_show_path
      render 'new'

  def edit

  def destroy


    def student_params
       params.permit(:FirstName, :LastName, :NickName, :EmailAddress, :Birthday, :MedicalNotes, :Grade, :School, :Gender)

Zack Strickland

First thing:

The Ruby way to name attributes, methods, and variables is to use snake_case. For example, s.FirstName should be s.first_name. In Ruby, if the name is capitalized like FirstName it is actually a constant. This style is called CamelCase and it is the conventional way to name classes in Ruby e.g. StudentsController.

For the routes.rb:

Rails will generate all of the RESTful routes and helper methods for your resource if you use

resources :students

you can then view all of these routes by running rake routes on the command line or visiting http://localhost:3000/rails/info/routes in the browser. You can learn more info about routes in the documentation:

You can then use the Rails link_to helper method like this:

<%= link_to s.first_name, s %>

and Rails will figure out the id of the object for you. Or if you want to be more explicit:

<%= link_to s.first_name, student_path( %>

And in the show action of your StudentsController you want:

def show
  @student = Student.find(params[:id])

this will look up the student record in the database based on the :id parameter in the URL for student show page

Collected from the Internet

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