It gives me error "conflicting typer for 'mysqrt'"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

float mysqrt (float x)


    float y;
    y= 1+(x/2)-(pow(x,2)/2)+(pow(x,3)/8)-(5*pow(x,4)/128);

    return y;


int main()



I searched older answer in this website and tried to use them but still I cant figure out why it doesnt work

Nisse Engström

I don't think the code you have posted is quite accurate.

You are probably calling mysqrt() before you have provided a declaration of the function. In old versions of the C standard (C89), this was allowed and the function would be given an implicit declaration of:

int mysqrt();

That is, a function taking an unknown number of non-variadic parameters, and returning int. This clearly contradicts the actual definition of the function.

In more recent versions of the standard (C99/C11), the compiler is required to produce a diagnostic message if you try to call a function that has not been declared.

You should change your code so that the function definition appears before the function call, or provide a function declaration before the function call. Eg:

float mysqrt (float);

int main()

float mysqrt (float x)
  /* Function body */

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