Small sample program gives me an error

Vaios Argiropoulos

My sample program is so small that i am going to give you all the source code below:

So here is ClassA header:

#ifndef CLASSA_H
#define CLASSA_H
#include <string>

class ClassA
    ClassA(const std::string& fileName,  int TYPE = 0, float filter = 0.0f);
    ClassA(int width = 0, int height = 0, unsigned char* data = 0, int TYPE = 0, float   filter = 0.0f);
    ClassA(ClassA& classa);
    void operator=(ClassA& classa);

    std::string m_lastBind;
    int m_textureTarget;
    bool m_freeTexture;
    int m_width;
    int m_height;
    float m_float;


#endif // CLASSA_H

Here is the source file for the ClassA:

#include "classa.h"

ClassA::ClassA(const std::string& fileName, int TYPE, float filter)
    m_lastBind = fileName;
    m_textureTarget = TYPE;
    m_float = filter;

static unsigned char whitePixel[] = {'A', 'B', 'B', 'A'};

ClassA::ClassA(int width, int height, unsigned char* data, int TYPE, float filter)
    m_width = width;
    m_height = height;
    data = whitePixel;
    m_textureTarget = TYPE;
    m_float = filter;

ClassA::ClassA(ClassA& classa)
    m_width = classa.m_width;
    m_height = classa.m_height;
    m_textureTarget = classa.m_textureTarget;
    m_float = classa.m_float;

Here is the header file for ClassB:

#ifndef CLASSB_H
#define CLASSB_H
#include <string>

class ClassB
        void someMethod(const int& num1, const int& num2, std::string& name);


#endif // CLASSB_H

And finally the definition of the one and only method of ClassB is given below:

#include "classb.h"
#include "classa.h"

static unsigned char whitePixel[] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
void ClassB::someMethod(const int& num1, const int& num2, std::string& name)
    static ClassA WHITE = ClassA(1,1,whitePixel);

The main function is pretty much irrelevant because it is completely empty and has nothing to do with the errors i am getting from Code::Blocks. The errors are given below:

||=== Build: Debug in Testing2 (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===|
classb.cpp||In member function ‘void ClassB::someMethod(const int&, const int&, std::string&)’:|
classb.cpp|8|error: no matching function for call to ‘ClassA::ClassA(ClassA)’|
classb.cpp|8|note: candidates are:|
classa.h|10|note: ClassA::ClassA(ClassA&)|
classa.h|10|note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘ClassA’ to ‘ClassA&’|
classa.h|9|note: ClassA::ClassA(int, int, unsigned char*, int, float)|
classa.h|9|note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘ClassA’ to ‘int’|
classa.h|8|note: ClassA::ClassA(const string&, int, float)|
classa.h|8|note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘ClassA’ to ‘const string& {aka const std::basic_string<char>&}’|
||=== Build failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s)) ===|

This line:

static ClassA WHITE = ClassA(1,1,whitePixel);

needs a copy-constructor in order to work. The constructor ClassA(ClassA&) won't match because temporaries cannot bind to lvalue-references. You can make the constructor take a reference to const instead.

ClassA(ClassA const&);

This works because temporaries (rvalues) can bind to lvalue-references to const.

What were you were doing was creating a temporary ClassA value and copy-constructing WHITE from that. This is called copy-initialization. If you use direct-initialization instead:

static ClassA WHITE(1,1,whitePixel);

A copy-constructor simply copies all the members of the parameter to the object being created. Your code effectively does exactly the same thing. Fortunately the compiler will provide a copy-constructor for you by default, so you don't need to make one yourself.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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