How can I separate SQL queries


Assume that I have the following queries

select userName, password, email 
from tblUsersProfile 
where email = '145' or userName = '112'

select userName, password, email 
from tblUsersProfile 
where email = '80' or userName = '70'

select userName, password, email 
from tblUsersProfile 
where email = '129' or userName = '169'

select userName, password, email 
from tblUsersProfile 
where email = '1' or userName = '2'

    AVG(PokemonLevel) as AvgLevel, PokemonId 
group by 
order by 
    PokemonId asc

insert into tblOnlineUsersCounts  
          LastMoveTime > DATEADD(HOUR, -24, sysutcdatetime())),  
          LastMoveTime > DATEADD(DAY, -7, sysutcdatetime())),
          LastMoveTime > DATEADD(DAY, -30, sysutcdatetime()))

    count(Id) as TotalCount, PokemonId 
group by 
order by 
    PokemonId asc

Now when I execute them in SQL Server Management Studio, it tries all and if one fails all fails which means all of them is counted as a single query

Also when I right click in SSMS and click analyze query in database engine tuning advisor it also count them as a single query instead of each one is independent queries

So I want to format them in a way that both SSMS should treat them as each one of them is a separate query

So even if one fails, SSMS should execute other working ones

What is the proper format for achieving this ?

Ty very much

what are these downvotes for ?

Radu Gheorghiu

In case an error can occur in any of your queries you should use TRY-CATCH for this error handling.

Also, using GO between your queries is an option.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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