Django conditional queries: How can I avoid this?


I have multiple conditional queries based on whether a variable is set or not and the value of 'doc_type'. But I think it looks ugly and I'm repeating code. Is there a clearer way to get this done?

if status is not None:
    if doc_type == 4:
        invoices = Invoice.objects.filter(Q(type=4) | Q(type=5) | Q(status=status))
        invoices = Invoice.objects.filter(type=doc_type, status=status)
    if doc_type == 4:
        invoices = Invoice.objects.filter(Q(type=4) | Q(type=5))
        invoices = Invoice.objects.filter(type=doc_type)

Are you sure this is what you want?

    invoices = Invoice.objects.filter(Q(type=4) | Q(type=5) | Q(status=status))

This will return all invoices where type=4 OR type=5 OR status=Status.

I think you mean (type is 4 or 5) AND status=status? If so, you can do your Query as follows:

types = [doc_type]
if doc_type == 4:
invoices = Invoice.objects.filter(type__in=types)
if status is not None:
    invoices = invoices.filter(status=status)

You can use Q() objects if you prefer, but I think that chaining filters is easier to understand in this case.

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