rails 3.2 / activerecord - how to display 30 values from AR in a table with 3 columns?


Suppose the query customer_list = Customers.where ("state = ?", 'CA').order('first_name ASC') returns 30 customers, and the field .first_name has their first name.

I want to display their names in an html table with 3 more or less equal columns, eg, I want to fill the table as I go, wrapping to a new row each 3rd value.

Aaron    Amy    Andy
Arny     Beth   Bill
Bob      Carl   Charlie
etc etc

What is the 'ruby way' to flow the records into such a table's cells?

I could use .find_in_batches to grab 3 at a time, then iterate through the three for each column, but I suspect that's not the elegant ruby way.

Alaa Othman

The each_slice helper method accepts a number n and then breaks the array into chunks of n, in this case 3.

<% @customer_list.each_slice(3) do |slice| -%>
  <% slice.each do |customer| -%>
    <td><%= customer.first_name %></td>
  <% end -%>
<% end -%>

See the documentations also check out this question.

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