Get the values from 2nd and 3rd table for the matched values in 1st table


I am a jQuery developer and I do not have good idea on how to retrieve data from tables. I am just trying to learn it.

I have a special case to deal with. Consider three tables

    pid    fname     lname       cid       eid
    12      jo         mo        16345     2345
    13      ko         ro        16324     2435

    cid     cname
   16345    amazed
   16324    bored

    eid      ename
    2345      nolo
    21345     johny

I want to retrieve the data for the matching pid value. Say,

select * from tb1 where pid = 12 

It returns me pid, fname, lname, cid, eid

The cid value is 16345, Instead the number. I want that cid value to be matched to the tb2 and get the cname column value that is amazed and same with the eid that is the ename : nolo I want those numbers to be matched to tb2 and tb3 and get their string values.

I could do it using 3 MySQL queries

This is what I have tried

 $result = mysql_query("select * from tb1 where pid = 12");
 $row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC);
 $cname = mysql_query("select cname from tb2 where cid = '$row[cid]'");
 $x =  mysql_fetch_array($cname,MYSQL_ASSOC);
 $cname = mysql_query("select ename from tb3 where eid = '$row[eid]'"); 
 $y =  mysql_fetch_array($cname,MYSQL_ASSOC);

But I feel the code is not ideal. I guess there must be a way to retrieve in a single query but I am not sure what it must be. Maybe joins or sub-queries.


Use joins on 3 tables

SELECT tb1.*, tb2.cname, tb3.ename from tb1
JOIN tb2 ON tb1.cid = tb2.cid
JOIN tb3 ON tb1.eid = tb3.eid
WHERE = 12

Hope this helps

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