How do I build from source for Android with gdb tracing enabled?


I have setup a debug ROM on an Android device, and enabled the DDMS Native Heap in search for a libgdx memory leak.

I now have a trace, but no source code attached to follow the lead.

I downloaded libgdx source code.

How do I build it enabling gdb tracing so I can follow the code referenced by the trace ?


I built the debug .so libgdx from source To do this, I modified the file: libgdx/gdx/jni/build-android32.xml

Adding to the compile-natives target I also added APP_OPTIM := debug to the in the same folder And added '-g' to the file in the same folder: LOCAL_CFLAGS := -g $(LOCAL_C_INCLUDES:%=-I%) -O2 -Wall -D__ANDROID__

This, indeed, produces a dbg dynamic library place in libgdx/gdx/libs/armeabi

Although I am getting closer, I still cannot get the name of the function that is loading memory.

I am using arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line and the Hex address of the function, but it prints ??


Download the Android Source and build it.

Point DDMS to the libs with debug symbols. On the command line:

export ANDROID_SYMBOLS=$ANDROID_SOURCE/out/target/product/flo/symbols/system/lib

Note that $ANDROID_SOURCE refers to the location where you built the Android source.

start DDMS from that shell


Now you should see the native traces on ddms.

I also built libgdx from source and added $LIBGDX_SOURCE/libgdx/gdx/obj/local/armeabi/ to $ANDROID_SOURCE/out/target/product/flo/symbols/system/lib to see the method names for


You need to set the device to debug memory

adb root
adb shell setprop libc.debug.malloc 1
adb shell stop
adb shell start

The device must be rooted or with a dbg ROM.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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