How do I build Boost from github?


I git clone boost latest source code on master branch from Github. I tried to build it but failed,

$ ./ 
  ./ line 188: ./tools/build/src/engine/ No such file or directory
  -n Building Boost.Build engine with toolset ... 

  Failed to build Boost.Build build engine
  Consult 'bootstrap.log' for more details

The content of bootstrap.log

1 ./ line 218: cd: ./tools/build/src/engine: No such file or directory

I understand there is no ./tools/build/src/engine, how do I solve this? I also noted that

-n Building Boost.Build engine with toolset ...

however, doesn't have -n option.

My develop environment: MacOS X10.9 Xcode5.1


The current documentation for building directly from the Git repo is at Getting Started. Basically there are some additional steps to create the include directory tree and to run the build itself. NOTE, please also make sure you use the b2 command from the cloned repo. Not whatever you might have prebuilt in your system.

Collected from the Internet

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