Difference visibility in subquery join and where

Jordi Reina

I had problems with a simple join:

FROM worker wo
    SELECT wp.id_working_place
    FROM working_place wp 
    JOIN working_place_worker wpw ON ( wp.id_working_place = wpw.id_working_place
        AND wpw.id_worker = wo.id_worker)

The error I had was ORA-00904: "WO"."ID_WORKER": not valid identifier.

Then I decided to move the union of tables from join clause to the where clause:

FROM worker wo
    SELECT wp.id_working_place
    FROM working_place wp 
    JOIN working_place_worker wpw ON ( wp.id_working_place = wpw.id_working_place)
    WHERE wpw.id_worker = wo.id_worker

And this last query works perfect.

Why is not possible to make it in the join? The table should be visible like it is in the where clause. Am I missing something?

James K. Lowden


FROM working_place wp 
JOIN working_place_worker wpw ON ... 

the ON clause refers only to the two tables participating in the join, namely wp and wpw. Names from the outer query are not visible to it.

The WHERE clause (and its cousin HAVING is the means by which the outer query is correlated to the subquery. Names from the outer query are visible to it.

To make it easy to remember,

  • ON is about the JOIN, how two tables relate to form a row (or rows)
  • WHERE is about the selection criteria, the test the rows must pass

While the SQL parser will admit literals (which aren't column names) in the ON clause, it draws the line at references to columns outside the join. You could regard this as a favor that guards against errors.

In your case, the wo table is not part of the JOIN, and is rejected. It is part of the whole query, and is recognized by WHERE.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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