MySQL subquery JOIN


Trying to put together a single SQL query that will grab COUNT values from one table, and an AVG of a SUM from another. The two queries work separately, but I can't figure out how to properly JOIN them into one.

The two queries -- the first having been shortened to two sums:

SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN `eventClass`='GOAL' AND `player1ID`=001 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) goals,
SUM(CASE WHEN `eventClass`='GOAL' AND `player2ID`=001 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) assists
FROM `plays`


SELECT ROUND(AVG(`toi`)) AS avgTime 
    SELECT SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(`shiftDuration`)) AS toi 
    FROM `shifts` 
    WHERE `playerID`=001 
    GROUP BY `gameNo`
) t;

Now I've tried a few things for the join, but am not sure on what to join them, as I in the first query I am looking for my search value 001 in one of two columns, depending on the row.

Much obliged to any help!



table `plays`:
| playNo | gameNo | eventClass | player1ID | player2ID |
|      1 |      1 |   GOAL     |   001     |    002    |
|    210 |      3 |   GOAL     |   003     |    001    |

table `shifts`:
| shiftNo | gameNo | playerID | shiftDuration |
|       1 |      1 |   001    |      65       |
|       2 |      1 |   001    |      38       |
|      12 |      1 |   002    |      47       |
|      22 |      3 |   001    |      13       |

Now I want to take the sum of all player 001 shifts in a game, for the game total; it is the average of all these game totals for 001 that I'd like to output.

Desired output -- goals and assists are all-game TOTALS for 001, whereas avgTime is a per-game AVERAGE. Here we'll mark it in seconds.

| games | goals | assists | avgTime |
|   3   |  2    |   1     |   800   |
Gordon Linoff

Have you tried using subqueries or cross join?

SELECT p.goals, p.assist, s.avgTime
FROM (SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN `eventClass`='GOAL' AND `player1ID`=001 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) goals,
             SUM(CASE WHEN `eventClass`='GOAL' AND `player2ID`=001 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) assists
      FROM `plays`
     ) p CROSS JOIN
     (SELECT ROUND(AVG(`toi`)) AS avgTime 
      FROM (SELECT SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(`shiftDuration`)) AS toi 
            FROM `shifts` 
            WHERE `playerID`=001 
            GROUP BY `gameNo`
           ) s
     ) s;

It is not clear to me where the games column is coming from.

Don't attempt to do this with just joins and a single aggregation. You are summarizing along two different dimensions -- and doing joins before aggregations tends to cause unwanted cartesian products.

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