ng-click does not work in AngularJS

The Third

Below is the code. The click event does not work. in ng-click i have included "insertTom()".


  var myAppModule = angular.module('myApp', []);

  var students = [{name:'Mary Contrary', id:'1'},

                  {name:'Jack Sprat', id:'2'},

                   {name:'Jill Hill', id:'3'}];

  function StudentListController($scope) {

      $scope.students = students;

      $scope.insertTom = function () {

      $scope.students.splice(1, 0, {name:'Tom Thumb', id:'4'});



Cory Silva
<div ng-controller="StudentListController">
  <!-- content -->
  <button type="button" ng-click="insertTom()">Insert</button>

No problem, you will enjoy angular :)

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