How to change the color of *just* the header?


Is there a non-hacky way to change the color of just the header in an app using the Ubuntu SDK? MainView has a headerColor property, but that is used as the first step of gradient. Currently, I'm just putting a colored rectangle up there:

Rectangle {
    id: headerBackground
    height: header.height
    width: header.width
    color: "#288369"

But this causes a number of issues, most notably it is incomparable with a ListView that fills an entire page. A full example can be found in this gist.


Michael's pointer to Karma Machine's implementation did indeed point me in the right direction. The key is injecting the rectangle into the header so that it is a proper child. This can be done with the createObject() method that Michael mentioned if you have the rectangle in a separate qml file, or you can use createQmlObject with a string of QML.

Below is a much simplified example (using Tabs but the same thing is possible with a PageStack):

import QtQuick 2.0
import Ubuntu.Components 0.1

MainView {
    id: mainView


    Tabs {
        id: tabs

        Tab {
            title:"Colored Header")
            page: Page {

    Component.onCompleted: {
        tabs.tabBar.__styleInstance.headerTextSelectedColor = "white";
        var component = Qt.createQmlObject(
            'import QtQuick 2.0; Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent; z: -1; color: "#288369"; }',

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