C에서 이진 트리 순회에 대한 출력 없음


저는 신인 프로그래머이고 바이너리 트리 사용을 의미하는 프로젝트가 있습니다. 내가해야 할 일은 노드를 삽입하고, 노드를 삭제하고, 두 가지 트리 순회 방법을 추가하는 것입니다. 문제는 내 코드를 작동시킬 수 없다는 것입니다. 더 쉽게 구현할 수 있도록 check_element 및 create_NewNode와 같은 몇 가지 도우미 함수를 추가하기로 결정했습니다. 실행 후 콘솔에 출력이 표시되지 않거나 단순히 런타임 오류가 표시됩니다. 헤더 파일, 내 함수를 저장할 IO.c 파일과 main.c.to 테스트 헤더 파일 구현 된 함수가 있습니다.

Here is IO.c , used to store the functions.

 #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "Library.h"

    struct node{
        int data;
        struct node *left;
        struct node *right;


    struct node *root;


        //function to determine if an element is already in the tree
    void check_element( struct node *node, int value)
        while( node != NULL ){
            //checking if the value is here
            if( value == node->data ){
                printf("The element %d already exists in the tree!",value);
            //if the value is smaller, go left
            }else if( value < node->data ){
                check_element( node->left, value );
            //else go right
            }else if( value > node->data ){
                check_element( node->right, value );
            //else the element was not found and we can add it to th tree
                printf("Adding the element %d to the tree.",value);

        }//end while

    }//end check_element


        //helper function to crate a new node and set left and right pointers to NULL
    struct node *create_NewNode(  int value )
        struct node *ptr;
        struct node *temp = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
        ptr = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

        if( ptr == NULL){
            printf("Memory allocation error!");

        //assigning the data to the newly created node
        temp->data = value;

        //setting left and right pointers to NULL
        temp->left = NULL;
        temp->right = NULL;

        return temp;


        //function to add a new value to the tree;
    struct node *insert_value( struct node *node, int new_value )

        //checking if the element already exists to the tree
        check_element( node, new_value );

        //checking if the tree is empty
        if( node == NULL ){
            node = create_NewNode( new_value );
        //if the value is smaller, we add it to the left
        }else if( new_value < node->data ){
            insert_value( node->left, new_value );
        //else we add it to the right
             insert_value( node->right, new_value );

        return node;



    void printPostorder( struct node *node )
         if (node == NULL){
                printf("The tree is empty!");
                //first go left
                printPostorder( node->left );

                //then go right
                printPostorder( node->right );

                //finally, print the node value
                printf("%d", node->data);



    void inorder_traversal( struct node *node )
       if( node == NULL) {
            printf("The tree is empty!");
            //first go left
            inorder_traversal( node->left );

            //print the node value
            printf("%d ",node->data);

            //then go right
            inorder_traversal( node->right );



This is the header file, called Library.h

 //prototype for NewNode
struct node *create_NewNode( int value );
    //prototype for insert_value
struct node *insert_value( struct node *node, int new_value );
    //prototype for printPostordre
void printPostorder( struct node* node);
    //prototype for printInorder
void inorder_traversal( struct node *node );
    //prototype for check_element
void check_element( struct node *node, int value);

And, finally, the main.c: `enter code here:

 #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "Library.h"

    int main()
        // TEST CODE

        struct node *root;
        root = NULL;

        insert_value(root, 1);
        insert_value(root, 2);
        insert_value(root, 3);

         printPostorder( root );
        inorder_traversal( root );

        return 0;

PS: I did my best to write this code, but, as I said, I am a rookie and I'm pretty bad at coding.I'd also like to appologize for any grammar mistakes, i am not an englishman.

이 게시물을 잊어 버렸습니다. 나는 그것을 작동시켰다. 이것이 내가 사용한 것입니다.

헤더 파일의 경우 :

///\file Header.h
///\brief The header containing all the prototypes for our functions.
struct node *Create_node( int value );
void delete_value(struct node **root, int val_del) ;
void inorder_traversal( struct node *node );
void insert_value( struct node **head,  int new_value );
void pre_order_traversal( struct node* node );
struct node* search_by_value(struct node* node, int value);
int random_value_generator(int domain);

기능 구현을 위해 :

    ///\file Functions.c
///\brief C library implementation for BST.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Header.h"

//In this structure we'll be storing our BST.
struct node{
    ///\struct struct node
    ///\brief It represents our structure to store our BST.

    int data;
    struct node *left;
    struct node *right;



        Helper function which creates a new node, containing the desired value and setting left and right
        pointers to NULL.
struct node *Create_node( int value )
    ///\fn struct node *Create_node(int value)
    ///\brief Returns a new node, initialised with "value" and 2 NULL pointers, left and right.
    ///\param value The value which we want to initiliase the newly created node with.
        //Creating the new Node and allocating memory to it.
    struct node *new_node = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
        //Assigning the desired value to the newly created node.
    new_node->data = value;
        //Setting left and right pointers to NULL;
    new_node->left = NULL;
    new_node->right = NULL;

    return new_node;


        The first traversal method.

void pre_order_traversal( struct node* node )
    ///\fn pre_order_traversal(struct node* node)
    ///\brief A function used to 'traverse' the tree. It actually is a printing function.
    ///\param node It represents the starting point of printing.
        //Checking if the tree is not empty.
   if( node != NULL ) {
    ///It will print the root, then the left child, then the right child.
        //Printing the node.
      printf( "%d ",node->data );
        //Printing the left child.
      pre_order_traversal( node->left );
        //Printing the right child.
      pre_order_traversal( node->right );


        A function which inserts a new node in the tree.
void insert_value( struct node **head,  int new_value )
    ///\fn  insert_value(struct node **head,  int new_value)
    ///\brief Inserts a new node into our BST.
    ///\param head This parameter is passed as a double pointer to avoid any conflicts with other fucntions.
    /// and represents the starting point of insertion. The function will start searching for the appropriate
    /// position to insert the value.
    ///\param new_value Is the new value which will be assigned to the new node;

        //Initialising the pointer.
    struct node *current = *head;
        //Checking if the the current node is NULL, if it is, we create a new node.
    if( current == NULL){
        //If the root is NULL, then we create a new new node, containing the new value.
        current = Create_node( new_value );
        *head = current;
        //Else, if the value is smaller, recur to the left.
        if( new_value < current->data ){
            insert_value( &current->left, new_value );
            //Else recur to the right.
            insert_value( &current->right, new_value );



        The second traversal method.

void inorder_traversal( struct node *node )
    ///\fn inorder_traversal(struct node* node)
    ///\brief A function used to 'traverse' the tree. It actually is the second printing function.
    ///\param node It represents the starting point of printing.
   if( node != NULL ) {
        ///It will print the left child, then the root, then the right child.
        //Printing the left child.
      inorder_traversal( node->left );
        //Printing the root.
      printf( "%d ",node->data );
        //Printing the right child.
      inorder_traversal( node->right );


        A function which deletes a node.
void delete_value(struct node **root, int val_del)
    ///\fn void delete_value(struct node **root, int val_del)
    ///\brief It is the most complex function and it is used to delete a node.
    /// There are multiple cases of deletion, such as: a leaf node (a node without any children),
    /// a node with a child on the right, a node with a child on the left or a node with 2 children.

    //We are starting from root, with two pointers: current and parent.
    struct node *current = *root;
    struct node *parent;

    //We recur on the tree untill we find the node containing the value which we want to remove.
    while (current->data != val_del) {
        //Moving the parent to root. The root's parent is NULL. (root has no parent)
        parent = current;
            //If the value is greater the parent's value, recur right.
        if (current->data > val_del) {
            current = current->left;
            //Else recur left.
            current = current->right;

    //Checking if the node is a leaf node. (no children on the left or right)
    if ((current->left == NULL) && (current->right == NULL)) {
            //Comparing the node's value with the value of its parent.
            //If the value is smaller, we remove the left children.
        if (current->data < parent->data) {
            parent->left = NULL;
            //Else we remove the right child.
            parent->right = NULL;
    //Else, we check if it has a child on the left.
    }else if (current->right == NULL) {
                //Checking if our node is the root.
            if(current == *root) {
                //Using an aux to free the root, so the memory is not allocated to it anymore .
                struct node *aux;
                aux = (*root)->left;
                (*root) = aux;
                //If the node is not the root, we proceed.
                    //If the node's parent value is greater the the value of our node. If true, we replace
                    //the parent's left child with its left succesor and remove (free) the node.
                if (current->data < parent->data) {
                    parent->left = current->left;
                    //Else, we do the same thing, but for the parent's right child.
                    parent->right = current->left;
     //Else, we check if it has a child on the right.
    }else if(current->left == NULL) {
                //Checking if our node is the root.
            if(current == *root) {
                //Using an aux to free the root, so the memory is not allocated to it anymore.
                struct node *aux;
                aux = (*root)->right;
                *root = aux;
                //If the node is not the root, we proceed.
            }else {
                if (current->data < parent->data){
                        //If the node's parent value is smaller the the value of our node. If true, we replace
                        //the parent's left child with its right succesor and remove (free) the node.
                        //It is the mirrored code of the previous case.
                        parent->left = current->right;
                        //Else, we do the same thing, but for the parent's right child.
                        parent->right = current->right;
    //Else, the node has 2 children. This is the last case.
    }else if( (current->right != NULL) && (current->left != NULL)){
            //In order to replace the root, we need to go one step to the right,
            //and then all the way to the left, retrieve the smallest value,
            //which will replace the root.
            struct node *temp = current->right;
            int aux;
            while (temp->left != NULL) {
                    temp = temp->left;
            //This si where we do the swap.
            aux = temp->data;
            current->data = aux;
            temp = temp->right;


        Helper function to determine if a value already exists in the tree.
struct node* search_by_value(struct node* node, int value)
    ///\fn struct node* search_by_value(struct node* node, int value)
    ///\brief It is a function used to check if an element already exists in the tree.
    /// If the fucntion returns NULL, it means that the element DOESN'T belong to the tree.

        //Checking if the current node is empty or it has the value which we are looking for.
    if (node == NULL || node->data == value){
             return node;

        //If the value is greater, recur right.
    if( value > node->data ){
            return search_by_value(node->right, value);
                //Else recur left.
            return search_by_value(node->left, value);
    //Returning NULL if the element wasn't found.
    return NULL;


    A simple function to generate random numbers,
    between 0 and a domain.
int random_value_generator(int domain)
    ///\fn int random_value_generator(int domain)
    ///\brief It generates random numbers between 0 and a set domain.
    ///\param domain It represents the dmain.(the upper boundry for our generation)
    return rand()%domain;

그리고 마지막으로 주 파일 :

///\file main.c
///\brief The driver program for our BST library, containing a command line.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Header.h"

//Setting the root to NULL.(empty tree)
struct node *root=NULL;

int main()
    //Preparing the command line. The choice is like a task selector.
    int choice;

    //Infinitely recuring until the user decides to exit or there is an error.
        //Printing the command line and acquiring the choice.
        printf("\nWhat would you like to do ? Select:");
        printf("\n1-Add value;\n2-Delete value;\n3-Print In-Order;\n4-Print Pre-Order;\n5-Random;\n6-Exit;");
        printf("\nYour choice:");


            //The first case is used for insertion of a new value.
            case 1:{
                //Initialising the local values.
                int iterations=0,number=0,value=0,iterator=0;
                //Setting up a pointer, for later use.
                struct node *ptr;
                //Acquiring the number of iterations.
                printf("\nHow many values would you like to insert? Type a value:");

                //Inserting values as many times as we initiliased "iterations".
                while( number < iterations ){

                    //Using the pointer to check if the value already exists.
                    ptr = search_by_value( root, value );

                    if( ptr == NULL ){
                            //In case of ptr = NULL, we add it to the BST.
                            value = 0;
                        //Else we ask for another value, without affectig the number of iterations.
                        printf("\nThe element %d already exists in the tree!",value);
                        //Resetting the pointer and the vaue to be reused.
                        value = 0;
                        ptr = NULL;
                        //A simple way to keep the loop consistent.
                        //If we want to insert 10 values and 1 would already exists,
                        //we would only have 9 values. This way, even if there a values
                        //already exists, we will still have to insert the appropriate
                        //nuber of values.
                    //Incrementing the iterators to prevent an ifinite loop.
                //Reseting the iterator to be used later.
            };//end case-1

            //The second case is used for deletion.
            case 2:{
                //Initialising the value.
                int d_value=0;
                //Acquiering the value we want to delete.
                printf("\nWhich value would you like to delete? \nType a value:");

                //Checking if the value exists in the tree.
                struct node *ptr = search_by_value( root, d_value );

                if( ptr != NULL ){
                    //If ptr != NULL, it means that the value exists in the tree
                    // and it can be deleted.
                    printf("\nDeleting %d !",d_value);
                    //Deleting the value.
                    delete_value(&root, d_value);
                    //Reseting the value for laer use
                    d_value = 0;
                }else if( ptr == NULL ){
                    //Else the value does not belong to the tree, so it cannot be deleted.
                    printf("\nThe element %d doesn't belong to the tree!",d_value);
                    //Resetting the pointer and the value for later use.
                    d_value = 0;
                    ptr = NULL;

                    //Else our tree is empty.
                    printf("\nEmpty Tree!");
            };//end case-2

            //The third case is used for in-order traversal.
            case 3:{
                printf("\nIn-order traversal:");
            };//end case-3

            //The fourth case is used for pre-order traversal.
            case 4:{
                printf("\nPre-order traversal:");
            };//end case-4

            //The fifth case is used for randomly inserting value into teh BST.
            case 5:{
                //Initialising the values.
                int iterations=0,number=0,value=0,iterator=0,domain=0;
                //Setting up a pointer for later use.
                struct node *ptr;
                //Acquiering the number of iterations.
                printf("\nHow many values would you like to insert? Type a value:");

                //Acquiering the domain for the random generator.
                printf("\nPlease type the domain for the randomly generated numbers.");
                printf("\nPlease type a value:");

                //Iterating until all the values have been successfully inserted.
                while( number < iterations ){
                    //The new value to be inserted is generated using our fucntion.
                    value = random_value_generator(domain);

                    //Checking if the values already exists in the tree.
                    ptr = search_by_value( root, value );

                    if( ptr == NULL ){
                            printf("\nInserting %d!",value);
                            //If ptr = NULL, we can safely insert the value into our BST.
                            //Resetting the value for later use.
                            value = 0;
                        //Else, we cannot insert the value, as it already exists.
                        printf("\nThe element %d already exists in the tree!",value);
                        //Resetting the pointer and the value.
                        value = 0;
                        ptr = NULL;
                        //Same trick to insert the exact number of values.
                    //Incrementing to prevent infinite looping.
                //Resetting the iterator for later use.

            };//end case-5

            //The sixth case is used to exit the proram at will.
            case 6:{
            };//end case-6

            //The default case occurs in case of error. (hope not)
            default :{
            };//end default

        }//end switch

    }while(1);//end while

    return 0;

나는 이중 포인터를 사용했고 그것은 내 문제를 제거했습니다. 나는 이것이 누군가를 도울 수 있기를 바랍니다.

이 기사는 인터넷에서 수집됩니다. 재 인쇄 할 때 출처를 알려주십시오.

침해가 발생한 경우 연락 주시기 바랍니다[email protected] 삭제

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  26. 26

    newsyslog로 회전 한 후 rsync 출력 (진행 중)이 새 로그 파일에 기록되지 않음

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    Neo4j에 대한 Hello World 출력 없음

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    끊어진 링크에 대한 출력없이 diff -r을 사용하여 두 디렉토리를 재귀 적으로 비교

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    이 파이썬 코드에 대한 출력이 없습니다.

