Kubuntu takes more than 2 minutes to boot!

Akshat Vats

Okay... so I did something which I was probably not supposed to do. I have a 256 GB SSD. GParted from a live Kubuntu CD showed that I have 16gb of unallocated space. I wanted to add it to the root partition. However, there were swap and boot partitions between the unallocated space and the root partition, so I first added the space to boot partition, then shrunk the boot partition from left, then repeated the same with swap, and finally added it to root partition. To be safe, I reinstalled grub. Now, my Windows continues taking around 10s to boot, while Kubuntu takes more than a couple of minutes. Why is this so? If I did break something, why does it boot at all? Thanks a lot!

Akshat Vats

Found the solution!! My swap space was in /dev/nvme0n1p6, so I ran: sudo swapoff -a sudo mkswap -L swap /dev/nvme0n1p6 and sudo swapon -a. Then I disabled some startup services, and finally commented out the swap line from /etc/fstab. Don't know whether sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=10 helped or not, but after rebooting, systemd-analyze showed 14.385s, as compared to around 2min 25s before.

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