Calculate average days between events?


If I have a table that includes:

user_id | event_time

How can I calculate the average days between events? To get something like:

days_diff | count
        1 | 100
        2 | 90
        3 | 20

A user may have 1 day between events, but may also have 3 days between to subsequent events. How can I count them in both buckets?

Sample data (note in this case the DAY DIFF is 0/1 but this is just a small subset of data)

user_id | event_time
82770 2015-05-04 02:34:53
1 2015-05-04 08:45:53
82770 2015-05-04 20:38:24
82770 2015-05-04 20:38:24
82770 2015-05-04 20:38:24
1 2015-05-05 09:31:42
82770 2015-05-05 13:33:36
82770 2015-05-05 13:33:53
1 2015-05-06 09:53:59
1 2015-05-06 23:31:18
1 2015-05-06 23:31:35
1 2015-05-07 12:31:41
82770 2015-05-07 16:01:16

Here's a solution without using a temporary table:

select daybetweenevents as days_diff,
   count(daybetweenevents) as count
from (select t1.user_id,
    datediff(day, t1.event_time, min(t2.event_time)) as daybetweenevents
    from yourtable t1
    inner join yourtable t2
       on t1.user_id = t2.user_id
    and t1.event_time < t2.event_time
    group by t1.user_id, t1.event_time) temp
group by daybetweenevents

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