Restrict google maps API marker to only one click per marker


I'm creating a simple map Phonegap app where you click the map, and a marker is added, and a popup form shows. This is working just fine, but I need to make sure each marker is clickable only once.

This is what I've tried so far:

    google.maps.event.addListener(clickMarker, 'click',

        function (e) {

            addLocations(this.getPosition()); // calls popup form
            /*   clickMarker.setOptions({
                clickable: false



Is what I'm asking possible? If it is possible, what am I doing wrong?


no, instead of set the clickable to false, try removing the event listener

clickMarker.addListener('click', //add the listener to your marker object directly
   function (e) {
        addLocations(this.getPosition()); // calls popup form
        // Do ever things you want to do before calling this
        // Removing the event, so we can just call once
        google.maps.event.clearListeners(clickMarker, "click"); // don't forget the 's'

Since you're working with phonegap, I strongly suggest you to use this plugin for google maps, it'll be easier :

-- Carlos :-)

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