How do I use an extended generic type's type in a class?


Say I have some classes as follows:

class A { }

class B<TA extends A> { }

class C<TB extends B<? extends A>> {
    TA varOfTypeTA; // this throws an error obviously

How can I define the type of varOfTypeTA to be whatever TB's TA is?

I know I can define it as A varOfTypeTA, but I want it to be of type TA not A.

I tried forcing it to define TA with class C<TB extends B<TA extends A>> so I can use TA, but this throws a syntax error.

To clarify, if I then define these classes:

class Horse extends A { }

class HorseHerd extends B<Horse> { }

class HorseHerder extends C<HorseHerd> {
    Horse getFavoriteHorse() { return varOfTypeTA; } // varOfTypeTA defined in class C must be of type Horse, otherwise I have to cast

How can I make varOfTypeTA be of type Horse?

Erick Robertson

Also declare TA as a generic in the same class.

public class C<TA extends A, TB extends B<TA>> {
    TA varOfTypeTA;

Then you can use TA in your class.

class HorseHerder extends C<Horse, HorseHerd> {
    Horse getFavoriteHorse() { return this.varOfTypeTA; }

나는 또한 선언의 순서가 여기서 중요하지 않다는 것을 알고 놀랐습니다. TA먼저 선언하고 싶지만 이 코드도 다음과 같이 컴파일됩니다.

public class C<TB extends B<TA>, TA extends A> {
    TA varOfTypeTA;

이 기사는 인터넷에서 수집됩니다. 재 인쇄 할 때 출처를 알려주십시오.

침해가 발생한 경우 연락 주시기 바랍니다[email protected] 삭제

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