How do you tell the version of Flash Player running in Chrome?


I am getting an error trying to debug in Flex: it says to make sure I'm running the debugger version of Flash Player.

I downloaded it and installed it, but still am getting the error. But I wonder how in Chrome do I check which version of Flash is running?


This page: will tell you which Flash version you're running, and whether or not it's a debug version of the player.

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    Flash player API for browser extension

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    Google Chrome의 Flash Player가 Ubuntu Live CD에서 작동하지 않습니다.

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    How to set the volume of audio player to a default 20% on my flash web page

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    Visual Studio build error "This version of NuGet.exe is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running."

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    How to determine Windows 10 version when it is not running?

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    Right-to-Left script fail with Flash Player

  27. 27

    Flash player sometimes works, but sometimes doesn't

  28. 28

    Where to download Flash Player for offline installation?

  29. 29

    Firefox 용 Flash Player 대안

