2 cmd windows flash after boot


For some reasons after the boot 2 cmd windows popped up and closed very quickly. I've managed to take a screenshot enter image description here

As you can see it's prompting for some access denied error regarding OneDrive even though I don't use OneDrive. Is there any way to figure out the reason for this behavior?

Yigit Ozturk

Do you use the version Microsoft Office that comes with "OneDrive" like Office 2013 or newer? Well in that case you can disable "OneDrive" from startup programs. To do that on windows 8 and newer(or 10)[1]Open Task Manager > Select "Show more details" then on the navigate to startup tab. And select OneDrive and you can disable it if you want. Well this will not disable "Onedrive" but it can solve this issue.

(1)Note: On windows 7 and older you will need an third party program.

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