Meteor dynamic input fields


I'm looking for a way to create dynamic input fields in Meteor.js. I've chosen not to use Aldeed's Autoform for greater control over the code. From front end point of view I have no issues to add dynamic fields with +/- button to add and remove fields. What I'm struggling with is the insert statement on the back end. How can one add dynamic insert in Meteor.js? Cheers!


Essentially you need a reactive array of element that's rendered to the DOM via {{#each}} ... {{/each}}. When the array changes the DOM would re-render.

There's no need to create your own reactive array, there's one here with an example that does exactmy what you're asking for:

However I'd recommend going one step further and using the ViewModel package for this (by the same author). Here's an example which shows how to use it to insert fields:


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관련 기사


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Meteor Shell overwriting previous input


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JQuery dynamic fields (ruby page)


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Jquery validations on dynamic php echo fields


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Meteor.js Iron Router and similar or dynamic routes


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Validate Multiple Input fields using JavaScript


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Angular - Dynamically create input[text] fields


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Angular Set Input Cursor to next input, PS : next input tag will be dynamic add on keyEnter of previous input click


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How to get values of dynamically created input fields (Json)


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  1. 1

    dynamic calculation of input fields using php javascript

  2. 2

    Generate dynamic input fields based on selection

  3. 3

    Laravel - How to specify rows for dynamic input fields based on condition

  4. 4

    Meteor Shell overwriting previous input

  5. 5

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    JQuery dynamic fields (ruby page)

  7. 7

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    Meteor.js Iron Router and similar or dynamic routes

  12. 12

    Form validate combine input fields at once codeigniter

  13. 13

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    Validate Multiple Input fields using JavaScript

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    Sum up input fields after some calulations

  16. 16

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    clearing input fields upon pressing enter

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    Dynamic object creation from user input

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  29. 29

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