Is Call MagicFunction(intData1, intData2, Dim intData3) a valid statement in vbs?

Aj Godinez

I'm not really sure how to phase it any other way. The thing is, i'm trying to merge functions with the same name in vbs. Sometimes, the function appears in different forms in other parts of the system. If they are too different, I regretfully leave them as they are. However, if the differences are minor (like having one of the functions only having one variable more than the others, which i can then check for in-function), I'd like to add a variable that would be a stand in.

I already know that Optional variables are not possible in vbs, and I've already had experience with passing an array of variants (works like a charm), but I believe this case is a bit different.


Dim is not correct here. You can do for example:

Public Function MagicFunction(intData1, ByRef intData2, ByVal intData3)
    ' some code
End Function

and to call it:

MagicFunction 3, iCount, ""

to have "optional arguments", you can only use an array an parse it (for example using UBound(aTab) to select the correct case

Public Function MagicFunction(ByVal aTab)
    Select Case UBound(aTab)
        Case 1: MagicFunction1 aTab(1)
        Case 2: MagicFunction2 aTab(1), aTab(2)
        Case Else: MsgBox "function called with more than 2 args"  '<-- Should never go there
    End Select
End Function

With different version of your function depending on the number of argument, MagicFunction1, MagicFunction2... It's ugly but do the trick!

Another possibility is to use empty strings as argument, and define how your function ignore a part when the string is empty (or to be more accurate, call with a specific key, like "IGNORE_KEY")

I hope I'm answering your question!

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관련 기사


Call MagicFunction (intData1, intData2, Dim intData3)은 vbs에서 유효한 문입니까?


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sklearn MinMaxScaler inverse_transform "Keras LSTM 블록 제거시"dim 3이있는 배열을 찾았습니다. Estimator 예상 <= 2 "


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