Remove columns from SQL output where all values are 0

Source Matters

SO, I'm not that great with PIVOT's in SQL (as I usually do this in Excel with "flat" data), but managed to cobble together the following output:

CONTID  FULLNAME    %!  %%  %3
001     Store 1      0   0   0
002     Store 2      0   0   0
003     Store 3      0   0   0
004     Store 4      0   0   0
005     Store 5      0   0   0

(hope that displays properly)

Here is my SQL:

USE mydb 


WITH basequery 
     AS (SELECT c.contid, 
         FROM   customer c 
                LEFT JOIN clogs h 
                       ON c.serialno = h.serialno 
                LEFT JOIN contact P 
                       ON c.serialno = P.serialno 
         WHERE  evtype = 1 
                AND p.conttype = 1) 
FROM   basequery 
            FOR keyalm IN ("%!", 
                           "%X")) AS pvt --I truncated some of this

What I'd like to is somehow not display the columns that have all 0's for their totals, like the ones displayed here. Attempted to do a "WHERE" after the pivot, but I got yelled at for that.

I've truncated the columns for SO purposes, but my output actually has like 100 columns, and majority are all 0's. Would like to eliminate those from the displayed pivot if possible. Is there a right way to do this?


Try this query for dynamic columns:

USE mydb 

declare @str as nvarchar(max),@query as nvarchar(max);
set @str = stuff((SELECT distinct ',['+keyalm+']' FROM   customer c 
                LEFT JOIN clogs h 
                       ON c.serialno = h.serialno 
                LEFT JOIN contact P 
                       ON c.serialno = P.serialno 
         WHERE  evtype = 1 
                AND p.conttype = 1 for xml path('')),1,1,'')
set @query = 
'WITH basequery 
     AS (SELECT c.contid, 
         FROM   customer c 
                LEFT JOIN clogs h 
                       ON c.serialno = h.serialno 
                LEFT JOIN contact P 
                       ON c.serialno = P.serialno 
         WHERE  evtype = 1 
                AND p.conttype = 1) 
FROM   basequery 
            FOR keyalm IN ('+ @str +')) AS pvt'
execute sp_executesql @query

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