Bash - pair each line of file


This question is strongly related to this and this question. I have a file that contains several lines where each line is a path to a file. Now I want to pair each line with each different line (not itself). Also a pair A B is equal to a B A pair for my purposes, so only one of these combinations should be produced.


files.dat reads like this in a shorthand notation, each letter is a file path (absolute or relative)


Then my result should look something like this:

a b
a c
a d
a e
b c
b d
b e
c d
c e
d e

Preferrably I would like to solve this in bash. Unlike the other questions, my file list is rather small (about 200 lines), so using loops and RAM capacity pose no problems.

G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica'

Use this command:

awk '{ name[$1]++ }
    END { PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_str_asc"
        for (v1 in name) for (v2 in name) if (v1 < v2) print v1, v2 }
        ' files.dat

PROCINFO may be a gawk extension.  If your awk doesn’t support it, just leave out the PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_str_asc" line and pipe the output into sort (if you want the output sorted).

(This does not require the input to be sorted.)

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관련 기사


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