Accessing timeline variables from a class?


In one of the frame of my program I have code for a "player" that is essentially a cannon that follows the character around, specifics aren't important. So I'd like to make this cannon into a class that I can then place as a movieclip, on the stage and have similar cannons serving similar functions. So Basicly I need to make this into a class that somehow interacts with timeline variables?

right now the Player class looks like this

    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.ui.*;

    public class Player extends MovieClip
    public function Player() {

Warning code dump you don't have to read all this, this is the player code that I need to make into a class so that I can make more players with different parameters to their not all following the character etc... So how do I do this? this code is interacting with objects on the stage and other variables in the timeline at the moment.

// player settings
var _rotateSpeedMax:Number = 20;
var _gravity:Number = .10;
// projectile gun settings
var _bulletSpeed:Number = 4;
var _maxDistance:Number = 200;
var _reloadSpeed:Number = 250;//milliseconds
var _barrelLength:Number = 20;
var _bulletSpread:Number = 5;
// gun stuff
var _isLoaded:Boolean = true;
var _isFiring:Boolean = false;
var _endX:Number;
var _endY:Number;
var _startX:Number;
var _startY:Number;
var _reloadTimer:Timer;
var _bullets:Array = [];

// array that holds walls

var _solidObjects:Array = [];
// global vars
var _player:MovieClip;
var _dx:Number;
var _dy:Number;
var _pcos:Number;
var _psin:Number;
var _trueRotation:Number;
 * Constructor
_solidObjects = [world.wall01,world.wall02,world.wall03,world.wall04];
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDownHandler);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUpHandler);
//character.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveDude);

// Player & Weapon Methods

 * Creates player
 * Uses "Player" movieclip linked in library
function createPlayer():void

    // attach player movieclip from library

    // position player in center
    if (character!=null&&_player!=null)

        _player.x = character.x +5;
        _player.y = character.y +5;
    else if (_player ==null)
        _player = new Player();

        // add to display list

 * Fire weapon
function fire():void
    // check if firing
    if (! _isFiring)

    // check if reloaded
    if (! _isLoaded)

    // create bullet

    // start reload timer
    _reloadTimer = new Timer(_reloadSpeed);
    _reloadTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, reloadTimerHandler);

    // set reload flag to false;
    _isLoaded = false;

 * Creates a bullet movieclip and sets it's properties
function createBullet():void
    // precalculate the cos & sine
    _pcos = Math.cos(_player.rotation * Math.PI / 180);
    _psin = Math.sin(_player.rotation * Math.PI / 180);

    // start X & Y
    // calculate the tip of the barrel
    _startX = _player.x - _barrelLength * _pcos;
    _startY = _player.y - _barrelLength * _psin;

    // end X & Y
    // calculate where the bullet needs to go
    // aim 50 pixels in front of the gun
    _endX = _player.x - 50 * _pcos + Math.random() * _bulletSpread - _bulletSpread * .5;
    _endY = _player.y - 50 * _psin + Math.random() * _bulletSpread - _bulletSpread * .5;

    // attach bullet from library
    var tempBullet:MovieClip = new Bullet();

    // calculate velocity
    tempBullet.vx = (_endX - _startX) / _bulletSpeed;
    tempBullet.vy = (_endY - _startY) / _bulletSpeed;

    // set position
    tempBullet.x = _startX;
    tempBullet.y = _startY;

    // save starting location
    tempBullet.startX = _startX;
    tempBullet.startY = _startY;

    // set maximum allowed travel distance
    tempBullet.maxDistance = stage.stageHeight;//_maxDistance;

    // add bullet to bullets array

    // add to display list;

 * Updates bullets
function updateBullets():void
    var i:int;
    var tempBullet:MovieClip;

    // loop thru _bullets array
    for (i = 0; i < _bullets.length; i++)
        // save a reference to current bullet
        tempBullet = _bullets[i];

        // check if gravity is enabled
        if (gravityCheckbox.selected)
            // add gravity to Y velocity
            tempBullet.vy +=  _gravity;


        // update bullet position
        tempBullet.x +=  tempBullet.vx;
        tempBullet.y +=  tempBullet.vy;

        // check if bullet went too far
        if (getDistance(tempBullet.startX - tempBullet.x, tempBullet.startY - tempBullet.y) > tempBullet.maxDistance + _barrelLength)

        // check for collision with walls
        if (checkCollisions(tempBullet.x,tempBullet.y))

 * Destroys bullet
 * @parambulletTakes bullet movieclip
function destroyBullet(bullet:MovieClip):void
    var i:int;
    var tempBullet:MovieClip;

    // loop thru _bullets array
    for (i = 0; i < _bullets.length; i++)
        // save a reference to current bullet
        tempBullet = _bullets[i];

        // if found bullet in array
        if (tempBullet == bullet)
            // remove from array
            _bullets.splice(i, 1);

            // remove from display list;

            // stop loop;

 * Reload weapon
function reloadWeapon():void
    _isLoaded = true;

 * Checks for collisions between points and objects in _solidObjects
 * @returnCollision boolean
function checkCollisions(testX:Number, testY:Number):Boolean
    var i:int;
    var tempWall:MovieClip;

    // loop thru _solidObjects array
    for (i = 0; i < _solidObjects.length; i++)
        // save a reference to current object
        tempWall = _solidObjects[i];

        // do a hit test
        if (tempWall.hitTestPoint(testX,testY,true))
            return true;

            // stop loop
    return false;

 * Calculate player rotation 
function updateRotation():void
    // calculate rotation based on mouse X & Y
    _dx = _player.x - stage.mouseX;
    _dy = _player.y - stage.mouseY;

    // which way to rotate
    var rotateTo:Number = getDegrees(getRadians(_dx,_dy));

    // keep rotation positive, between 0 and 360 degrees
    if (rotateTo > _player.rotation + 180)
        rotateTo -=  360;
    if (rotateTo < _player.rotation - 180)
        rotateTo +=  360;

    // ease rotation
    _trueRotation = (rotateTo - _player.rotation) / _rotateSpeedMax;

    // update rotation
    _player.rotation +=  _trueRotation;

// Event Handlers

 * Enter Frame handler
 * @parameventUses Event
function enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void

 * Mouse Up handler
 * @parameUses MouseEvent
function onMouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    _isFiring = false;

 * Mouse Down handler
 * @parameUses MouseEvent
function onMouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    _isFiring = true;

 * Reload timer
 * @parameTakes TimerEvent
function reloadTimerHandler(e:TimerEvent):void
    // stop timer;

    // clear timer var;
    _reloadTimer = null;


// Utilities

 * Get distance
 * @paramdelta_x
 * @paramdelta_y
 * @return
function getDistance(delta_x:Number, delta_y:Number):Number
    return Math.sqrt((delta_x*delta_x)+(delta_y*delta_y));

 * Get radians
 * @paramdelta_x
 * @paramdelta_y
 * @return
function getRadians(delta_x:Number, delta_y:Number):Number
    var r:Number = Math.atan2(delta_y,delta_x);

    if (delta_y < 0)
        r +=  (2 * Math.PI);
    return r;

 * Get degrees
 * @paramradiansTakes radians
 * @returnReturns degrees
function getDegrees(radians:Number):Number
    return Math.floor(radians/(Math.PI/180));

From the class you can access a variable like this: MovieClip(root).variable

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