CSS/PHP: How to make the next div appear on the side instead

Mark Te

I'm stuck on the project that I am doing right now. I made a php that outputs a single div, this div will output multiple times depending on the number of items that I have in my database, my problem is that, I want the next div to be outputted on the left side of the previous div, just like this:

 -----   -----   -----
|div 1| |div 2| |div 3|
 -----   -----   -----
 -----   -----   -----
|div 4| |div 5| |div 6|
 -----   -----   -----

But I can't think of any ways to do it, it's outputting as it should be like this:

|div 1|
|div 2|
|div 3|
and so on...

Hope you guys can help me, thanks.


$results = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM content");
    if ($results) { 

    //fetch results set as object and output HTML
    while($obj = $results->fetch_object())
        echo '<div class="content">'; 
        echo '</div>';


    margin-bottom: 10px;
    height: 300px;
    background: #F0F0F0;
    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px solid #DDD;
    border-radius: 5px;
    box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #F8F8F8;


need a wrap div for class="content"

$results = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM content");
    if ($results) { 

    //fetch results set as object and output HTML
    while($obj = $results->fetch_object())
        echo '<div class="box"><div class="content">'; 
        echo '</div></div>';

and the css

     width: 33.333333333%;
     box-sizing: border-box;
     float: left;

here is demo http://jsfiddle.net/taunj8m0/2/

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