Appending JSON data from one file to another in Python

Mr. Concolato

Consider this code, which is understandably failing:

def testDataTransform():
    source = 'data/threads/testFile2.json' 
    newFile = 'data/threads/testFile1.json'

    jX = returnJson(source)
    jY = returnJson(newFile)

    for dataL1 in jX:
        #print dataL1['city']
        for dataL2 in jY:
            if dataL1['city'] == dataL2['city']:

    print dataL2

# end testDataTransform

def returnJson(source):
    #Grab destination file json
       with open(source) as jsonFile: # Open and verify file is there
        # load JSON object into memory
        j = json.load(jsonFile)

        return j
    except Exception, e:
        print e
# end returnJson


The error generated is: AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'append', which I now understand is due to trying to use append on a file steam and thus appending my JSON incorrectly. The question is how would I do this correctly? I want to add population data, which is in the source file.

JSON structure in testFiles look like this:


        "city": "New York",
        "lat": 20.1234,
        "long": 32.09876
        "city": "London",
        "lat": 21.1234,
        "long": 37.09876
        "city": "New Jersey",
        "lat": 10.1234,
        "long": 30.09876


One has a "population" node and other does not. I want to copy that population data from one file to another. How is that done? I wonder if converting the file stream into an array would help, but how do I even do that?



The error message is telling you exactly what's wrong. It's in this line


dataL2 is a dict(), and dict() does not have a method called append

What you want is

dataL2["population"] = dataL1['population']

Basically, the call to json.load() for this file returns a list of dicts(). JSON arrays map to Python lists, JSON objects map to Python dictionaries. To add a new key to a dict, simply set a value on it.

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