Python Curiosity

Marcus Burkhart

I am curious as to how this program reads. You have the foo functions up top. "Thing" is a global variable. It sets "Thing" which equals 100 to "Item" which also now equals 100. Return "Item" == 0 is what I am not too sure about. "Item" then is equal to 0? Then going down to the flag = False. So "when not flag:" is called, it asks for users input and for whatever reason until you enter "0" the flag turns True and "Thing" now equals 0. If someone can explain how this works I would appreciate it

def foo(item):
    global thing
    thing = item
    return item == 0

thing = 100
flag = False
while not flag:
    flag = foo(int(input("Give me what I want here: ")))
Martijn Pieters

item is set to whatever the user responded with when prompted for Give me what I want here, converted to an integer. In turn thing is set to that value too (thing = item binds the global thing to whatever item points at).

So if the user enters 0, item is set to 0, then thing is set to 0 and item == 0 returns True, ending the while loop.

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