What is the new retrievedEntities in breeze.QueryResult?


I have notice a new property - retrievedEntities on the breeze.QueryResult object.

Googling only turned up this -


Which is a check-in with comment

"Added retrievedEntities property to results object returned by entity…"

On another note - how do I view the full entire check-in comment on github?!

Steve Schmitt

The retrievedEntities property is an array of all the entities that were returned by the query. This will differ from the results property when your query uses .expand() to get related entities. For example, the object returned by the query

var query = EntityQuery.from('Orders')
.expand('Customer, OrderDetails');

would have a results property that is an array of 20 Order entities; each Order would have its associated Customer and OrderDetail entities attached to it in a graph.

The retrievedEntities property would be a flat array of all Order, Customer, and OrderDetail entities. This may or may not be useful, depending on what you are doing with the query results.

Thanks for the reminder to update the documentation!

P.S. The full comment is there in the github commit, but the second line is in a very small font (and very brief).

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