How to bind to `keydown` of another element in a directive


I'm writing a directive for validation that accepts the name of an element in a form and prints error messages based on the value of the element.

This is an example (live demo link here)

  <form name="form" >
    <input type="text" name="inp" ng-model="myval" ng-minlength="3">
    <oversee watched="form.inp">

The directive:

directive("oversee",function () {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    scope: {
      watched: '='
    template: '<div ng-show="watched.$invalid">Error</div>',
    link: function (scope, elm) {

Here's the thing. I want to change the error message to reflect the current length of the input element it is watching. (Like how Stackoverflow does in comments)

5 more to go...

So I have to bind to the element and get it's value on every keyup

Notice - I can't use: {{myval.length}} for this because the model is not updated while the form/input is invalid.

Hope I made my question clear.


Narek Mamikonyan

Here is a working example, you can use $viewValue instead of model note: you also need to take care of form error messages

angular.module("angtemp", [])
.controller("first", firstCtrl)
.directive("oversee",function () {
  var LIMIT = 20;
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    scope: {
      watched: '=',
      val: '='
    template: '<div ng-show="countToType">{{countToType}} more to go...</div>',
    link: function (scope, elm) {      
        if(!newVal) return;
        scope.countToType = LIMIT-newVal.length;


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