Stata - Scatter plot confidence interval


I am trying to connect two dots to represent a confidence interval of the following dataset.

Y          Y_upper_ci          Y_lower_ci           X
10           12                    8                1
20           22                    14               2
30           37                    22               3
40           42                    33               4
50           53                    48               5

I have been using the following.

twoway scatter Y Y_upper_ci Y_lower_ci X,  ///
  connect(l) sort ///
  title("Main Title") ///
  subtitle("Subtitle") ///
  ytitle(Y) ///

I thought connect(l) would take care of this, but it only connects the Y and not the Y_upper_ci to the Y_lower_ci.

Also, how can I have the legend only return the label on Y and not Y_upper_ci and Y_lower_ci?

Maarten Buis

Here are several options:

// prepare some data
clear all
input Y          Y_upper_ci          Y_lower_ci           X
10           12                    8                1
20           22                    14               2
30           37                    22               3
40           42                    33               4
50           53                    48               5

// first graph
twoway rcap Y_upper_ci Y_lower_ci X, lstyle(ci) ||   ///
       scatter Y X, mstyle(p1)                       ///
       legend(order(2 "Y" ))                         ///
       note("with 95% confidence interval")          /// 
       name(rcap, replace)

enter image description here

// second graph
twoway rspike Y_upper_ci Y_lower_ci X, lstyle(ci) || ///
       scatter Y X, mstyle(p1)                       ///
       legend(order(2 "Y" ))                         ///
       note("with 95% confidence interval")          ///
       name(rspike, replace)

enter image description here

/// third graph
twoway rline Y_upper_ci Y_lower_ci X, lstyle(ci) ||  ///
       scatter Y X, mstyle(p1)                       ///
       legend(order(2 "Y" ))                         ///
       note("with 95% confidence interval")          ///
       name(rline, replace)

enter image description here

// fourth graph
twoway line Y_upper_ci Y_lower_ci X, lstyle(p2 p3) || ///
       scatter Y X, mstyle(p1)                        ///
       legend(order(3 "Y" ))                          ///
       note("with 95% confidence interval")          ///
       name(line, replace)

enter image description here

// fifth graph
twoway rarea Y_upper_ci Y_lower_ci X , astyle(ci) || ///
       scatter Y X, mstyle(p1)                       ///
       legend(order(2 "Y" ))                         ///
       note("with 95% confidence interval")          ///
       name(rarea, replace)

enter image description here

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로그인참여 후 검토

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plt.scatter () 플롯은 Matplotlib의 plt.plot () 플롯처럼 작동합니다.


pandas df.plot.scatter는 실패하지만 df.plot은 플롯을 생성합니다.


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    Confidence Interval's in a nested function

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    Confidence interval for all rows of a dataframe in R

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    Stata 13 - Errors simulating confidence intervals when indexing on cut points

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    Add an area to a scatter plot in Excel

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    ploting scatter plot with 2D list

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    Cannot Scatter, Plot, Show() In While Loop

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    How to give color to a class in scatter plot in R?

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    plt.scatter () 플롯은 Matplotlib의 plt.plot () 플롯처럼 작동합니다.

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    pandas df.plot.scatter를 사용하여 서브 플롯이있는 그림 만들기

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    "ValueError : Unrecognized marker style 'hline'". Matplotlib plot () 및 scatter () 함수에서 인식되지 않는 마커 무리

  23. 23

    Trimming data in Stata

  24. 24

    Alter Stata graphing scheme

  25. 25

    Nearest Neighbor Matching in Stata

  26. 26

    Interval functions

  27. 27

    HTCondor Scatter Gather

  28. 28

    Excel Scatter Diagram

  29. 29

    Excel Scatter Chart with Labels

