VBA code to show message box popup if the formula in the target column exceeds a certain value

Shaun Crossley

I found this code on this site for a particular cell

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("A1") > 0.5 Then
    MsgBox "Discount too high"
End If
End Sub

But I was wondering if it is possible to make this work for an entire column rather than one particular cell?

Gary's Student

Try this for your event code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
    Dim rr As Range, r As Range
    Set rr = Range("A:A").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas)
    For Each r In rr
        If r.Value > 0.5 Then
            MsgBox "Discount too high"
        End If
    Next r
End Sub


if you want to restrict the message to a single row, then remove the first sub and replace it with:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    rt = Target.Row
    If Range("A" & rt) > 0.5 Then
        MsgBox "Discount too high"
    End If
End Sub

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