Why is this Angular expression in an ng-class inside an ng-repeat always treated as true?

Jean-Philippe Pellet

I can't get my head around this.

I am displaying a collection of objects with ng-repeat, like this:

<div ng-repeat="obj in objs">{{obj | json}}</div>

Then, I want to apply the class current to one of these <div> elements based on whether the object it represented is the “current object”; i.e., in practice, whether obj points to the same thing as another scope variable current.

I tried this:

<div ng-repeat="obj in objs" ng-class="{current: 'obj == current'}">{{obj | json}}, current: {{obj == current}}</div>

The funny thing is: the expression obj == current is correctly evaluated in the body of the div, and is initially false for all of them, when the value of current in the scope is null. But the class is applied to all of them nevertheless, although it is supposed to depend on the exact same expression.

Whenever I change the value of current to point to another object, the text inside the div updates accordingly, and changes to true, but the class always stays applied.

What am I missing here? Why is the class applied even if the expression yields false?

To play with it: JSFiddle.

Kurt Funai

The quotes are causing this to fail. It should be changed to:

ng-class="{'current': obj == current}"

Edited your JS Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/qXgJm/1/

The quotes were causing it to always return true, because the string was truthy

Example: This would evaluate to true, and log the '!!!!'

if ("hello world") {

이 기사는 인터넷에서 수집됩니다. 재 인쇄 할 때 출처를 알려주십시오.

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