display image on another window when click select button using Javascript


Hello there I'm new to the world of Javascript, and I really really need help for school project. What I want to do, is to display on another windows not only the text with the price, but also the image itself. I tried to add the id on the image and added it to function. Anybody please? I have this code here in the body element along with other images:

Nike 1 price:$110.99
Size: 9   10   11

       <input type= submit value=submit onclick="a()">

This is my script function:

       function a(){
       var size ="";
       var price = 0;
       var x =document.getElementById("myimg").src;

       else if(document.getElementById('nike2').checked)

       var inputs = document.getElementsByName('r1');
       for(var i =0; i<inputs.lenght; i++){
       size = inputs[i].value;

       var inputs1 = document.getElementsByName('r2');
       for(var i =0; i <inputs1.lenghts;i++){

       var myWindow = window.open("","MsgWindow","width=200,height=400");
       myWindow.document.write("<p><h1>Order Detail</h1> Your ordered Nike shoes<br/>                                                                                        Size:"+size + "<br/>Price:S"+ price + "</p>");


Yohaï-Eliel Berreby

Please indent you code for readability. Here it is, a little bit cleaned and with error fixes.

   function a() {
       var size, price;
       if (document.getElementById('nike1').checked) {
           price = document.getElementById("nike1").value;
           var x = document.getElementById("myimg").src;
       } else if (document.getElementById('nike2').checked) {
           price = document.getElementById('nike2').value;

       var inputs = document.getElementsByName('r1');
       for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
           if (inputs[i].checked) {
               size = inputs[i].value;

       var inputs1 = document.getElementsByName('r2');
       for (var i = 0; i < inputs1.length; i++) {
           if (inputs1[i].checked) {
               size = inputs1[i].value;

       var myWindow = window.open("", "MsgWindow", "width=200,height=400");
       myWindow.document.write('<p><h1>Order Detail</h1> Your ordered Nike shoes<br/>'+
       '<img src="path/to/your/image.png" alt="Nike shoes"></img>'+
       '<p>Size: ' + size + '<br/>Price: ' + price + '</p>');

To solve your problem, write an img element with a src attribute. Change "path/to/your/image.png" with the real path to the image you want to display.

There were also errors in your code. Your two for loops contained a wrong value: your wrote lenght in the first and lenghts in the second. I fixed it. I tested it and it works. This fiddle is fairly simple and incomplete but shows you the result.

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