vim - how to treat three quotations in a row as a comment rather than a string


I use python and in python, three quotation marks in a row




signify a block-comment, and a normal comment is just a hashtag. (#) I want comments to be colored grey and strings to be colored orange. I am using the colorscheme murphy. I made a murphy-mine.vim file and I added this to it

hi Comment term=bold     ctermfg=Grey     guifg=Grey
hi String  term=bold     ctermfg=LightRed guifg=Orange

But gvim sees """ and ''' as a string in python syntax rather than treating it as a comment (block comment). Is there a way for me to tell gvim to see """ and ''' as a comment / block comment rather than a string?

Ingo Karkat

You can put the following into ~/.vim/after/syntax/python.vim (taken from here:

" Highlight docstrings as comments, not string.
syn region pythonDocstring  start=+^\s*[uU]\?[rR]\?"""+ end=+"""+ keepend excludenl contains=pythonEscape,@Spell,pythonDoctest,pythonDocTest2,pythonSpaceError
syn region pythonDocstring  start=+^\s*[uU]\?[rR]\?'''+ end=+'''+ keepend excludenl contains=pythonEscape,@Spell,pythonDoctest,pythonDocTest2,pythonSpaceError

hi def link pythonDocstring pythonComment

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