Inheritance from object Application, how do I make something similar to that?

Alan Coromano

I have 3 projects included in one project, let's call them project1, 2 and 3 and they are included in main project. The 1 one is a library, whereas the two others are console-executable projects.

For now I have 2 pretty much identical object Application in the projects 2 and 3:

package com.project1

abstract class Class123 extends Actor { ... }
abstract class Class456 { ... }

package com.project2

class Class123  extends package1.Class123 { ... }
class Class456  extends package1.Class456 { ... }

object Application extends App {
  val system = ActorSystem()
  val myActor = system.actorOf(Props[Class123])
  val b = new Class456               
  // some actions

package com.project3

class Class123  extends package1.Class123 { ... }
class Class456  extends package1.Class456 { ... }

object Application extends App {
  val system = ActorSystem()
  val myActor = system.actorOf(Props[Class123])
  val b = new Class456            
  // some actions

How do I reduce the amount of repetition? I can create object Application in package1, but it should be generic (which Scala doesn't allow to do) and I would have to inherit from it (it's not allowed by Scala either).

What do I do about it?

Alexey Romanov

Make it a class instead of object:

class MyApp[C123, C456] extends App {
  val system = ...
  val myActor = ...
  val b = ...            

package com.project1
object Application1 extends MyApp[com.project1.Class123, com.project1.Class456] { 

package com.project2
object Application2 extends MyApp[com.project2.Class123, com.project2.Class456] { 

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