odeint: How do I log intermediate results while integrating?


I want to know how I can log the values other than states during integration by odeint. I have a simulation of the satellite dynamics, which is described as differential equations of total angular momentum, L, and momentum of an internal wheel, h. My simulation is running correctly. But I need to log not only the state variables but also some other values such as external torque, N, and angular velocity, omega, that is Jinv*L, where Jinv is a 3x3 constant, satellite-inertia matrix. In a sense, the purpose of my simulator is not to calculate L and h, but to generate time-histories of "other" varialbes.

To show what I'm doing, below is a slightly simplified version of my current code.

class satellite
Eigen::Matrix3d Jinv;

void operator()( state_type &x , state_type &dxdt , double t )
    L << x[0], x[1], x[2];
    h << x[3], x[4], x[5], x[6];

    N = external_torque(t);

    omega = Jinv * (L-h);
    dLdt = N - omega.cross(L);

    OMEGA = func1(omega(0), omega(1), omega(2));

    dqdt = OMEGA * q * 0.5;

    dxdt[0] = dLdt(0);    dxdt[1] = dLdt(1);    dxdt[2] = dLdt(2);
    dxdt[3] = dqdt(0);    dxdt[4] = dqdt(1);    dxdt[5] = dqdt(2);    dxdt[6] = dqdt(3);

class streaming_observer
std::ostream& os;
satellite& sat;

streaming_observer( std::ostream& _os, satellite& _sat ) : os(_os), sat(_sat) { }

template<class State>
void operator() (const State& x, double t) const
     L << x[0], x[1], x[2];

    os << t << ' ' << (sat.Jinv*(L)).transpose() << std::endl;
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