List of Days irrespective of time


I have an ObservableCollection of a Type with a property "StartDate" of type DateTime. I want to create a list of Unique Days irrespective of the time. I know I can do this iterating over the list and comparing day,month,year of a date. But is there any cleaner & simpler way of doing this? may be through LINQ or something?

Daniel Hilgarth

DateTime has a property Date that doesn't contain the time of day, just the date.
First select it and then use Distinct to get each date only once.

var uniqueDays = collection.Select(x => x.StartDate.Date).Distinct();

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  1. 1

    MS-SQL server 2008r2 selecting the time from smalltimedate irrespective of date

  2. 2

    List of days with events that occur on that day

  3. 3

    How to output time remaining in days or hours with liquid?

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    Store and compare UNIX time or expiration days

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    Calculate Number of Days under Contract from List of Contracts

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    ( + 1.month + 15.days)! = ( + 15.days + 1.month)

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    ( + 1.month + 15.days)! = ( + 15.days + 1.month)

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    How to add time durations expressed in days-hh:min:ss.nnn format?

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    Why does my vixie cron entry to run every other day, actually run on consecutive days every 4th time?

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    Change Woocommerce Admin Order List Time and Date Format

  11. 11

    Print a linked list backwards in constant space and linear time using recursion

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    Get item in list of strings containing the time of your computer

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  15. 15

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