Java split() method won't work a second time

Lucas Mezalira

The method updateEmployees(PersonnelManager pm) reads a text file and depending on the first character of each line (there are 3 possiblities) on the file, it executes different code. The PersonnelManager and Employee classes have no play in the problem, that's why I'm not including them here. Here is a sample input file:

n Mezalira, Lucas h 40000

r 5

d Kinsey

n Pryce, Lane s 50

r 4

Here is the method: (the File and Scanner objects are declared out of the method)

public static boolean updateEmployees(PersonnelManager pm) {
    file = new File(updates);
    in = new Scanner(file);
    catch (FileNotFoundException e) 
        System.out.println("Could not load update file.");
        return false;
    int currentLine = 1; //Keep track of current line being read for error reporting purpose
    while (in.hasNext()) {
        String line = in.nextLine();
        //Check the type of update the line executes
        //Update: Add new Employee
        if (line.charAt(0) == 'n') {
            String[] words = line.split("\\s"); //Split line into words. Index [0]: update type.  [1]: last name.   [2]: first name.   [3]: employee type.  [4]: wage.
            words[1] = words[1].substring(0, words[1].length() - 1); //remove comma from last name
            if (words.length != 5) { //If there are not 5 words or tokens in the line, input is incorrect.
                System.out.println("Could not update. File contains incorrect input at line: " + currentLine);
                return false; 
            if (words[3].equals("s"))  //if employee is type SalariedEmployee
                pm.addEmployee(new SalariedEmployee(words[2], words[1], Double.parseDouble(words[4])));
            else if (words[3].equals("h"))  //if employee is type HourlyEmployee
                pm.addEmployee(new HourlyEmployee(words[2], words[1], Double.parseDouble(words[4])));
            else {
                System.out.println("Could not update. File contains incorrect input at line: " + currentLine);
                return false;
            //Display information on the console
            System.out.println("New Employee added: " + words[1] + ", " + words[2]);
        //Update: Raise rate of pay
        if (line.charAt(0) == 'r') {
            String[] words = line.split("\\s"); //Split line into words. Index [0]: update type.  [1]: rate of wage raise
            if (Double.parseDouble(words[1]) > 100.0) { //If update value is greater than 100
                System.out.println("Error in line:" + currentLine + ". Wage raise rate invalid.");
                return false;
            for (int i =0; i<pm.howMany(); i++) { //Call raiseWages() method for all employees handled by the pm PersonnelManager
            //Display information on the console
            System.out.println("New Wages:");
        //Update: Dismissal of Employee
        if (line.charAt(0) == 'd') {
            String[] words = line.split("\\s"); //Split line into words. Index [0]: update type.  [1]: last name of employee
            if (words.length != 2) { //If there are not 2 words or tokens in the line, input is incorrect.
                System.out.println("Could not update. File contains incorrect input at line: " + currentLine);
                return false; 
            String fullName = pm.getEmployee(words[1]).getName(); //Get complete name of Employee from last name
            //Display information on the console
            System.out.println("Deleted Employee: " + fullName);
    return true;

Since there are 5 lines in the input file, the while loop should execute 5 times, but that's not what happens. when it reaches the 4th line in the input file: "n Pryce, Lane s 50", I get an "java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException" error, in line 25 of the code.

The problem occurs at lines 24 and 25:

String[] words = line.split("\\s"); //Split line into words. Index [0]: update type.  [1]: last name.   [2]: first name.   [3]: employee type.  [4]: wage.
words[1] = words[1].substring(0, words[1].length() - 1); //remove comma from last name

For the 4th line of input, the "line" String is not split in 5 Strings as it should. It is only split into one, which is in words[0] and it equals "n". What I don't understand is the program used the same line of code to split the String for the first 3 lines of input, why doesn't it work on the 4th line?

When I change the input file to

n Mezalira, Lucas h 40000

r 5

d Kinsey

removing a second occurrence of the command "n", it works. In fact, every time I use an input file that uses the same command ("n", "r" or "d") more than once, the line where the command happens the second time will only be split into 1 string. containing the first token ( int this case "n", "r", or "d") on the line.

I hope I was clear in my explanation. If anyone know why this happens, please help.

Jim Garrison

Your split() call should really be split("\\s+") to allow for multiple blanks between fields.

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