나눗셈을 사용하여 MIPS에서 점수를 백분율로 계산


저는 플레이어에게 기본적인 수학 질문을하고 총 점수를 기록하는 작은 수학 퀴즈 프로그램을 만들고 있습니다. 마지막에는 총 점수를 백분율로 계산하고 표시하고 싶습니다. 전체 질문 중 몇 퍼센트가 올바르게 답변되었는지 의미합니다. 그러나 나는 그 비율을 올바르게 표시하는 방법을 알아 내려고 내 두뇌를 괴롭 혔습니다. 백분율을 계산하는 수학은 모두 종료 기능에서 수행되지만 컨텍스트를 위해 전체 프로그램을 첨부하고 있습니다. 많이 주목됩니다. 최종 결과를 수정하기 위해 제가 할 수있는 일에 대해 조언 해주십시오.

또한 제쳐두고 분할 질문을 수행하는 더 좋은 방법이 있습니까? 현재 내가 할 수있는 유일한 방법은 나머지가없는 몫이 될 수있는 답입니다. 이것은 분명히 형편없는 해결책입니다.

    startMsg:   .asciiz "Hello, welcome to MathQuiz, here is your first problem:\nEnter -100 to exit\n"
    qf1:        .asciiz "What is "  
    qf2:        .asciiz "? "
    a1:     .asciiz "Correct!\n"
    a2:     .asciiz "Incorrect!\n"
    emf1:       .asciiz "You solved "
    emf2:       .asciiz " math problems and got "
    emf3:       .asciiz " correct and "
    emf4:       .asciiz " incorrect, for a score of "
    emf5:       .asciiz "%.\nThanks for playing!"
    operator1:      .asciiz " + "
    operator2:      .asciiz " - "
    operator3:      .asciiz " * "
    operator4:      .asciiz " % "
    totalCount: .word -1
    correctCount:   .word 0
    incorrectCount: .word 0
    scoreCalc:  .word 0
    correctAnswer:  .word 0
    wrongAnswer:    .word 0
    derp:       .word 0


.globl  main

    li $v0, 4 # greet the user
    la $a0, startMsg

    # the primary function that handles most of the calculations.
    li $s5, -100 #use register s5 as the exit program value.
    # operator reference table
    li $t2, 0
    li $t3, 1
    li $t4, 2
    li $t5, 3
    li $a1, 21 # set range for random number to 0-20
    li $v0, 42 # generate random number, saved in $a0
    move $s1, $a0 # Move random number to register s1
    li $a1, 21 # set range for random number to 0-20
    li $v0, 42 # generate random number, saved in $a0
    move $s2, $a0 # Move random number to register s2
    li $a1, 4 # set range for random number to 0-3
    li $v0, 42 # generate random number, saved in $a0
    move $t1, $a0 # Move random number to register s2
    # operator table
    beq $t1, $t2, addition
    beq $t1, $t3, subtraction
    beq $t1, $t4, multiplication
    beq $t1, $t5, division

    li $v0,4 # output an ascii string
    la $a0, qf1 # load the ascii string qf1 for output to screen
    li $v0,1 # output an int
    move $a0, $s1
    li $v0,4 # output an ascii string
    la $a0, operator1 # load the ascii string qf1 for output to screen
    li $v0,1 # output an int
    move $a0, $s2
    li $v0,4 # output an ascii string.
    la $a0, qf2 # load the ascii string qf2 for output to screen.
    li $v0, 5 # read an integer from the command line, result saved in $v0.
    move $s4, $v0 # move the user input to a register for comparison.
    add $s3, $s1, $s2 # perform the addition of the 2 random numbers.
    lw $t1, totalCount # load the current value of totalCount into a register.
    add $t2, $t1, 1 # add 1 to the value in the register for totalCount.
    sw $t2, totalCount # save the iterated value of totalCount back to the memory space of the variable.
    beq $s4, $s5, exit # if the user input matches -1, jump to "exit" function.
    beq $s4, $s3, correct # if user input matches the correct answer, jump to the "correct" function.
    j incorrect # if the answer is wrong AND not "-1", jump to the "incorrect" function.
    li $v0,4 # output an ascii string
    la $a0, qf1 # load the ascii string qf1 for output to screen
    li $v0,1 # output an int
    move $a0, $s1
    li $v0,4 # output an ascii string
    la $a0, operator2 # load the ascii string qf1 for output to screen
    li $v0,1 # output an int
    move $a0, $s2
    li $v0,4 # output an ascii string.
    la $a0, qf2 # load the ascii string qf2 for output to screen.
    li $v0, 5 # read an integer from the command line, result saved in $v0.
    move $s4, $v0 # move the user input to a register for comparison.
    sub $s3, $s1, $s2 # perform the subtraction of the 2 random numbers.
    lw $t1, totalCount # load the current value of totalCount into a register.
    add $t2, $t1, 1 # add 1 to the value in the register for totalCount.
    sw $t2, totalCount # save the iterated value of totalCount back to the memory space of the variable.
    beq $s4, $s5, exit # if the user input matches -1, jump to "exit" function.
    beq $s4, $s3, correct # if user input matches the correct answer, jump to the "correct" function.
    j incorrect # if the answer is wrong AND not "-1", jump to the "incorrect" function.
    li $v0,4 # output an ascii string
    la $a0, qf1 # load the ascii string qf1 for output to screen
    li $v0,1 # output an int
    move $a0, $s1
    li $v0,4 # output an ascii string
    la $a0, operator3 # load the ascii string qf1 for output to screen
    li $v0,1 # output an int
    move $a0, $s2
    li $v0,4 # output an ascii string.
    la $a0, qf2 # load the ascii string qf2 for output to screen.
    li $v0, 5 # read an integer from the command line, result saved in $v0.
    move $s4, $v0 # move the user input to a register for comparison.
    mul $s3, $s1, $s2 # perform the addition of the 2 random numbers.
    lw $t1, totalCount # load the current value of totalCount into a register.
    add $t2, $t1, 1 # add 1 to the value in the register for totalCount.
    sw $t2, totalCount # save the iterated value of totalCount back to the memory space of the variable.
    beq $s4, $s5, exit # if the user input matches -1, jump to "exit" function.
    beq $s4, $s3, correct # if user input matches the correct answer, jump to the "correct" function.
    j incorrect # if the answer is wrong AND not "-1", jump to the "incorrect" function.
    li $v0,4 # output an ascii string
    la $a0, qf1 # load the ascii string qf1 for output to screen
    li $v0,1 # output an int
    move $a0, $s1
    li $v0,4 # output an ascii string
    la $a0, operator4 # load the ascii string qf1 for output to screen
    li $v0,1 # output an int
    move $a0, $s2
    li $v0,4 # output an ascii string.
    la $a0, qf2 # load the ascii string qf2 for output to screen.
    li $v0, 5 # read an integer from the command line, result saved in $v0.
    move $s4, $v0 # move the user input to a register for comparison.
    div $s1, $s2 # perform the addition of the 2 random numbers.
    mflo $s3
    lw $t1, totalCount # load the current value of totalCount into a register.
    add $t2, $t1, 1 # add 1 to the value in the register for totalCount.
    sw $t2, totalCount # save the iterated value of totalCount back to the memory space of the variable.
    beq $s4, $s5, exit # if the user input matches -1, jump to "exit" function.
    beq $s4, $s3, correct # if user input matches the correct answer, jump to the "correct" function.
    j incorrect # if the answer is wrong AND not "-1", jump to the "incorrect" function.

    # produce the incorrect answer response and adjust counter.
    li $v0,4 # output an ascii string.
    la $a0, a1 # load the ascii string qf1 for output to screen.
    lw $t1, correctCount # load the value of the correctCount variable into a register.
    add $t2, $t1, 1 # add 1 to the value for correctCount in the register.
    sw $t2, correctCount # save the iterated value of correctCount back into the memory space of the variable.
    j calc # jump back to the calc function to ask another question.

    # produce the incorrect answer response and adjust counter.
    li $v0,4 # output an ascii string.
    la $a0, a2 # load the ascii string qf1 for output to screen.
    lw $t1, incorrectCount # load the value of the incorrectCount variable into a register.
    add $t2, $t1, 1 # add 1 to the value for incorrectCount in the register.
    sw $t2, incorrectCount # save the iterated value of incorrectCount back into the memory space of the variable.
    j calc # jump back to the calc function to ask another question.
    # perform the calculations needed to produce the final output to the user.
    lw $t1, totalCount # load the totalCount value into a register
    lw $t2, correctCount # load the correctCount value into the register
    li $t5, 100 # set a register to 100 for use in the percentage conversion process.
    div $t2, $t1 # calculate the players total correct score percentage using division.
    mflo $t3 # move the lo register value to $t3 for further calculations.
    mul $t6, $t3, $t5 # multiply the score value by 100 to convert to a whole number for output.
    # Assemble the output
    li $v0, 4 # output an ascii string
    la $a0, emf1 # load end message fragment 1 into the registr for output.
    lw $a0, totalCount # load the value of totalCount to register a0 for output.
    li, $v0, 1 # output an int
    li $v0, 4 # output an ascii string
    la $a0, emf2 # load end message fragment 2 into the registr for output.
    lw $a0, correctCount # load the value of correctCount to register a0 for output.
    li, $v0, 1 # output an int
    li $v0, 4 # output an ascii string
    la $a0, emf3 # load end message fragment 3 into the registr for output.
    lw $a0, incorrectCount # load the value of incorrectCount to register a0 for output.
    li, $v0, 1 # output an int
    li $v0, 4 # output an ascii string
    la $a0, emf4 # load end message fragment 4 into the registr for output.
    move $a0, $t6
    li, $v0, 1 # output an int
    li $v0, 4 # output an ascii string
    la $a0, emf5 # load end message fragment 5 into the registr for output.
    li $v0, 10 #exits the program on syscall

정수 나눗셈을하면 항상 0을 얻습니다. 이후에 100을 곱하면 손실 된 분수를 복구 할 수 없습니다. 가장 쉬운 해결책은 먼저 100을 곱한 다음 나누는 것입니다.

가장 가까운 정수 백분율로 반올림하려면 정답에 100을 곱하고 질문 수의 절반을 더한 다음 질문 수로 나눕니다. 예를 들어 12 개의 질문이 있고 8 개가 맞으면 (8 x 100 + 6) / 12 = 67 %입니다.

66.7 %와 같이 퍼센트의 일부를 원하면 정수 연산 만 사용하여 수행 할 수 있지만 부동 소수점을 사용하는 것이 더 간단 할 것입니다.

이 기사는 인터넷에서 수집됩니다. 재 인쇄 할 때 출처를 알려주십시오.

침해가 발생한 경우 연락 주시기 바랍니다[email protected] 삭제

에서 수정

몇 마디 만하겠습니다

로그인참여 후 검토

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