Is there any way to highlight default vim keyword without using match?


I'm making custom .vim syntax highlighting, and there is one problem with syntax file. Here's the code:

syn keyword vimKeyword contains contained

When i'm trying to open .vim files it gives an error, because contains is an actual keyword:

Error detected while processing .vim/syntax/vim.vim
E395: contains argument not accepted here

Is it possible to highlight default vim keywords without using syn match?

Ingo Karkat

:help E789 mentions this:

Note that when you have a keyword that is the same as an option (even one that isn't allowed here), you can not use it. Use a match instead.

That said, what seems to work for me is defining just a single keyword contains:

syn keyword vimKeyword contains

Additional keywords can be defined via separate :syn keyword vimKeyword commands, as they are cummulative.

Another trick is defining the keyword with an optional tail, but keeping it empty:

syn keyword vimKeyword contains[] contained

But as both of these are (mis-)using implementation specifics of the Vimscript parser, I would not rely on them, and instead use :syntax match, as documented.

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