How do I close a stream when my Get Controller is deleted from memory?

Mike Ottink

I am using the following package .

I have the following controller

class GroupController extends GetController{
  StreamController<GroupModel> _streamController = BehaviorSubject();
  Stream<GroupModel> get stream =>;

  GroupController(DatabaseService database, GroupModel group)

  void dispose(){

But when I call it the dispose is never called. I call it like this

        init: GroupController(database, _group),
        builder: (GroupController groupController) => StreamBuilder(
          builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<GroupModel> groupSnapshot) {

I want my controller's dispose method being called whenever the controller is removed from memory.

I noticed that the GetBuilder has a dispose callback. And it requires the state from a widget. So do I need to make the widget that holds the controller statefull? Or do I need to pass a new statefull widget that holds the state? The documentation is not all to clear on it. How do I call the dispose on my controller?

I noticed there is a console log whenever a controller get's deleted from memory, isn't there a callback so I can close the stream there? I would really like to avoid making the widget statefull tho.


class GroupController extends GetController{
  StreamController<GroupModel> _streamController = BehaviorSubject();
  Stream<GroupModel> get stream =>;

  GroupController(DatabaseService database, GroupModel group)

  void close(){
    print('log if close is invoked');

Generate the following log

I/flutter (23404): log if close is invoked 
I/flutter (23404): Close can't be called 
I/flutter (23404): [GET] GroupController deleted from memory

Somehow it error when trying to close the controller

Mike Ottink

This is probably how you want to be doing it. Not adding the stream in the contructor because this causes problems when the controller get's rebuild. Because it will add the stream to the contructor once more.

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:get/get.dart';
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';

class GetStreamController<T> extends GetController {
  final Stream<T> Function() value;
  StreamController<T> _streamController = BehaviorSubject();
  StreamSubscription _streamSubscription;
  Stream<T> get stream =>;

  void onInit()
    _streamSubscription = value().listen((event) {

  void onClose()

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